Servers and Policies - Daemons

Use this screen to configure and manage Daemon Policy Templates. Security Auditor allows you to define your policy for daemons – whether they are required to be running, restricted from (should not be) running or it doesn’t matter whether they’re running or not. To initialize the Security Auditor Daemon category, go to Servers > Initialize Policies and choose to initialize the Daemon category. Daemons that are running appear in this list. See Daemons.

How to get there

In the Manage Servers screen, choose for a server.

What it Does

The Daemons page of the Servers and Policies screen displays an overview of the status of Daemons policy templates.


Displays the status of the Policies and when they were last checked.


Choose this option to open the Daemons Policy Notes screen where you can record any notes related to the Policy. Notes appear in reports and provide a place to explain the intent of defined policies.


Use this button to run CheckIt, which performs a compliance check for the selected attribute(s).


Use this button to run FixIt, which changes the value on the server to match that of Security Auditor.


Use this button to delete the selected attribute(s).

Action; Enable CheckIt • Disable CheckIt • Enable FixIt • Disable FixIt • Accept as Policy

Use these options to enable/disable CheckIt and/or FixIt for selected attributes. Choose Accept as Policy to redefine the policy to match the server value for selected attributes.

Organize By; Category • List

Choose Category to organize the attributes by category (Login, User Account Defaults (UAD), User Account Creation (UAC), and UAC (Password)). Choose List to display the Sort By drop-down menu, where you can choose the method to sort the selected attributes.

Sort By

Use this drop-down menu to choose how you want to organize the list of Daemons.

Field Descriptions


The list of daemons on the server. Use the Sort By drop-down menu above to adjust the sort order of this list.


The group of the daemon.

Policy Value

This column indicates Security Auditor's Policy Value. Once initialized, you can alter the daemon settings to indicate whether they are Required (must be running), Prohibited (cannot be running) or Allowed (can be running or stopped).

Server Value

This column indicates the daemon's value on the server.


This column indicates whether the Server Value is compliant with the Policy Value setting.

Checked On

This column indicates date and time the Server Value was checked against the Policy Value.

Fixed On

This column indicates date and time the Server Value was fixed to match the Policy Value.


Click to run CheckIt on the daemon.

Click to delete the daemon from Security Auditor. This does NOT delete the daemon from the server – only from the policy and subsequent compliance checks.


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