Policy Manager

  • This product is part of Fortra's Data Classification cloud solution that includes the following products:

  • This product requires DCS Console onboarding. See DCS Console.

July 2024

Version 2024.07

July 19, 2024

New Features
  • Added options to import/export Policy Manager data. You lose existing Policy Manager data for your tenant when you import any (previously saved) configuration file or template. Exporting Policy Manager data to a file allows you to save this data, and may act as a backup.

  • Added an Import/Export page to consolidate all supported import/export features. This includes importing templates, importing TCPG files, importing Policy Manager (POLMAN) files, and exporting Policy Manager data to a POLMAN file.

  • Added support for PowerPoint Online for Web Classification (DCS One) customers. This includes adding metadata, visual markings, and supporting the same Schema, Policies, and App Settings options that are supported by Word Online and Excel Online.

  • Renamed Outlook Online in Policy Manager UI to Outlook Online/New Outlook. DCS One added support for New Outlook in Windows and Mac operating systems.

  • For Data Detection Engine, added support for additional personally identifiable information (PII) formats for the countries of India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and UAE. The Arabic and Turkish languages are now supported for detectors that scan for PII data.

  • Added new App Settings to allow DCS for Windows users to see selected classification values in a preview bar in Outlook and information bar in Outlook and Office. The following settings are enabled by default: Show Classification Preview Bar (under Classification Selection UI), Show Classification Information Bar (under Outlook Add-in Settings and Office Add-in Settings).

  • Updated the order of action parameters and tooltip descriptions for the Apply document markings action that DCS for Windows supports.

May 2024

Version 2024.04 HF1

May 15, 2024

  • Improved Configuration publishing when a Schema Field is used multiple times in a Schema View and the condition builder in a Rule includes metadata properties for this Schema Field.

April 2024

Version 2024.04

April 19, 2024

  • Removed support for the following TCS for Google Workspace (cloud) products from Policy Manager: Email (Gmail, Google Calendar) and Documents (Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides). Existing data for TCS for Google Workspace products will be cleaned up on Policy Manager's first use.

  • Importing large TCPG Configuration files takes less time. TCPG files that took several hours to import can now be imported in less than one minute.

  • Removed size limitations for publishing Policy Manager Configurations to the cloud.

  • Added tooltips to display the Name and Display text for Schema Fields and Schema Values. Field type is also shown in for Schema Fields tooltips.

  • Added tooltips to display the full names of Rules, Custom Conditions, and Actions library items.

January 2024

Version 2024.01

January 26, 2024

New Features
  • Added option to import a TCPG file to help transfer Configuration data from the Administration Console to the Policy Manager. Not all data is imported. Review the Policy Manager documentation for more information.

  • Updated product name from Titus Classification Suite (TCS) for Windows to Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Windows to reflect rebranding in the DCS for Windows 2023.1 release.

  • Updated product name from Titus Console to DCS Console.

  • Updated App Settings names, default App Settings text, descriptions, and tooltips in the Policy Manager UI to reflect changing from Titus Classification Suite (TCS) to Fortra's Data Classification Suite (DCS) naming conventions.

  • Updated App Settings name from Classification Dialog UI to Classification Selection UI to reflect that settings for dialogs and task panes are configured in this feature group.

  • Updated the order of App Settings to reflect the order in the Administration Console and to be more intuitive.

  • Spaces and the ampersand (&) special character are now allowed in the names of Schema Values and in the Schema Mapping’s Internal Metadata Value.

  • Semicolons are now allowed in the names of Schema Fields and in the Schema Mapping’s Internal Metadata Fields.

  • Non-ASCII characters are now allowed in the names of Schema Fields, Schema Values, Schema Views, Field tabs, Policies, Rules, Actions, Custom Conditions, Custom Properties, and Configurations.

  • In Configurations, updated tab name from Target Configurations to Publish Configurations to make it clearer that this is the page where you publish a Configuration.

  • Updated Exclusion Patterns App Setting under Patrol Settings to provide multiple values definition possibility.

  • Replaced textbox with the HTML Editor for the following App Settings under Favorites: Favorites Task Pane Preamble Text, and Favorites Task Pane Preamble Text (when empty).

  • Added support for Option buttons and One Click for TCS for M365. These features are available for single selection Schema Fields only.

  • For TCS for M365, added support for additional App Settings in Classification Selection UI (formerly known as Classification Dialog UI), Email Add-in Settings, and Office Add-in Settings.

October 2023

Version 2023.10

October 20, 2023

New Features
  • Added Date Schema Field support for TCS for M365 and TCS for Windows. Configuration options include allowing users to pick any date from a calendar, or defining time periods that users select from a dropdown.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will support this Policy Manager update in a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Enhanced the Schema Mapping page to display dropdown lists with the names of Schema Fields and Values that you created in the Policy Manager. This change is for Titus Metadata information only. You still need to manually enter the metadata names of the Schema Fields and Values for External Metadata.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will support this Policy Manager update in a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Added new App Setting (under User Settings) to allow you to enable interoperability with Microsoft sensitivity labels when configured through Schema Mapping.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will support this Policy Manager update in a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Added Namespace App Setting (under TCS System Settings) to enable the proper interchange between different Schemas. The Namespace distinguishes your metadata from the metadata being stored by another organization, group, or department when you use Schema Mappings.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will support this Policy Manager update in a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Added the following TCS for Windows configuration options:

    • Option buttons: allows you to display radio buttons for up to four single selection Schema Field Values in the Classification Selector. If you have more than four Values, the Classification Selector display defaults to a dropdown list.

    • Include Embedded Images in Attachment Checks: this new App Setting (under Email Add-In Settings) allows embedded images that are pasted into emails or appear in email signatures to be included when performing any type of attachment check.

    • More Favorites Menu Text: this new App Setting (under Favorites) allows you to customize the text that users see when they add more than eight Favorites in the Classification Selector.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will support this Policy Manager update in a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Improved user experience for entering numeric values in textboxes, using the scrollbars, and creating alternate text groups for a Schema Field Value.

  • Added the HTML Editor to more Action parameters. The HTML Editor lets you add color, formatting, and links to content.

  • Improved licensed-based filtering for Actions and Custom Conditions.

  • Added error messages to provide clearer instructions. For example, you will see an error message if your Configuration is too large to publish.

July 2023

Version 2023.07

July 21, 2023

New Features
  • Schema Mapping enables policy administrators to map Schema Fields and Values from an external configuration (namespace) to Titus's existing Schema Fields and Values.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will not fully support this Policy Manager update until a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Added new Schema features for Cloud-licensed users in the Policy Manager. This includes Field tabs, Text entry Schema Fields, and the ability for users to add additional entries and filter values in the Schema Fields.

  • Updated the list of available TCS for Windows App Settings in About Settings, Desktop Add-in Settings, and User Settings.

    NOTE: TCS for Windows will not fully support this Policy Manager update until a future release. Refer to the TCS for Windows release notes to confirm when this new feature is supported.
  • Specified that you are limited to nine nesting levels for each Schema View.

  • HTML Editor improvements and fixes:

    • Added text alignment buttons.

    • Users can now enter Titus metadata in the raw HTML view. Previously, users could only enter Titus metadata in the rich text view.

      NOTE: If you add style changes to the raw HTML view, don’t make any updates in the rich text view. If you make updates in the rich text view, you will lose the style changes you made in the raw HTML view.
    • Fixed issue where edits in the raw HTML view were not being saved when users clicked outside the view.

  • Fixed issue where Custom Conditions were not properly applied in Subrules.

April 2023

Version 2023.04

April 21, 2023

New Features
  • Added multiple selection Schema Field support for Titus Office Add-in.

  • Added Field tabs support for Titus Classification Suite (TCS) for Windows. Field tabs lets you organize your Schema Fields into separate tabs on the Classification Selector.

  • Added Data Detection Engine on-premises Custom Condition for TCS Windows in Policy Manager. This new Custom Condition functions the same as the Dynamic Property (Titus.DataDetectionOnPrem.Extensibility.DDConnectorOnPrem) in the Administration Console. An on-premises Data Detection Engine Server is required.

  • Added new “Filter values” setting for TCS Windows for single selection and multiple selection Schema Fields.

  • Added “Undo Record Menu Text” App Setting under “Office Add-in Settings” for Word Windows.

  • Updated Policy Manager and Documentation pages to meet Fortra branding standards.

  • Updated default Events and Properties selections for TCS Audit Settings.

  • Added tooltips for Custom Conditions and Actions.

  • Added HTML Editor support for the “Content” parameter of the “Apply document markings” action for TCS Windows.

  • Clarified that the “Enable justification” parameter is only supported for the Outlook Windows “On send” policy event for the “Alert” and “Alert-attachment classification” actions.

  • Clarified that the “Force remediate attachments” parameter is only supported for the Outlook Windows “On send” policy event for the “Alert-attachment classification” action.

  • Clarified that the “Get text from file” Custom Condition is also supported for the Windows Desktop “On examine file” policy event.

  • Custom Property is not published when it is set in the ELSE branch of a rule without actions.

  • Fixed dropdown list UI issue on the Target Configurations page.

  • Message.Attachment property was missing in published TCPG files for TCS Windows.

January 2023

Version 2023.01

January 27, 2023

New Features
  • Added support for six new Titus Classification Suite (TCS) for Windows Custom Conditions. Custom Conditions in Policy Manager are similar to Dynamic Properties in the Administration Console. The new Policy Manager Custom Conditions (Administration Console Dynamic Properties names in parenthesis) are:

    • Check AD group membership (HasGroup in the Administration Console)

    • Check if AD is online (IsOnline in the Administration Console)

    • Check if alternate AD is online (AlternateAdisOnline in the Administration Console)

    • Check AD attribute (Get AD attribute in the Administration Console)

    • Get attribute from alternate AD forest (AlternateAdGetAttribute in the Administration Console)

    • Get text from file (GetTextFromFile in the Administration Console)

  • Added these Schema configuration options for Titus Classification Suite (TCS) for Windows:

    • Schema Fields: Additional entries, Tooltip, and Description

    • Schema Values: Description

  • Tested support for multiple license configurations. Currently, the Policy Manager supports separate licenses for Titus Classification Suite (TCS) for Windows and Web Classification (includes Titus Office Add-in and Titus Classification for Google Workspace).

  • Updated appearance of the Rules, Custom Conditions, and Actions libraries on the Policies page. Library categories now appear on the bottom of the Policies page as separate tabs, and the saved items in each library will appear in alphabetical order.

  • App Settings error validation showed wrong message.

  • Targeting error message remained after a different configuration was selected.

  • Improved Tooltip interface to make it easier for users to see longer messages.

  • Updating the names of Custom Conditions, Custom Properties, and Rules was not working as expected in the Policy Manager.

October 2022

Version 2022.10

October 21, 2022

New Features
  • Can now configure Schemas, Policies, App Settings, and Configurations and publish a TCPG file for Titus Classification for Windows using Policy Manager

  • Users can use their own custom image in the Ribbon and Classification Select dialog

  • Added Templates to Policy Manager so users can start configuring faster (supported in Titus Classification Suite for Windows only)

  • Improved messages in error dialogs and improved tooltips for Action parameters
  • Renamed Event Logging in App Settings to Event Logging for Email and Event Logging for Documents
  • Moved ability to set the Solution and Event to the same area in the UI as naming a Policy
  • App Setting Event Logging throws error when selected value is being changed

  • Schema field name maximal value is being trimmed in unique name from 800 to 400 symbols

  • Unexpected Error when trying to create new policy with 800 digit name

  • Policy name: "Unexpected error" is shown when special characters <>&*|,;[] are used

July 2022

Version 2022.07

July 15, 2022

  • Titus Console has been rebranded with a new look and feel. If you see an old Titus logo, clear your browser's cache.

  • You can select from a drop-down for list s and boolean values for Conditions.

  • Action parameters drop-down has been reordered to be more intuitive.

  • How you configure Action parameters depends on how you access them - the available Action parameters from the Rule are different from the ones from the Library.

Resolved Issues
  • Using Message.Attachment.* and Message.Recipient.* conditions in the same rule results in an error. Use both conditions in separate sub-rules in the same rule.

  • Delete Custom Condition from library causes blank screen when Custom Condition drawer and Action drawers are open the same time.

  • Condition builder collection filter should switch back to default "All".

  • Policy Manager can be slow to load.

  • Group operator is shown disabled for Message.Recipient.IsNew in Condition Editor.

January 2022

Version 2022.01

January 2022

  • Various enhancements have been made to App Settings in Policy Manager such as updated tooltip text, descriptions, and error handling. Solutions and Products now list more user-friendly names such as Google Docs.

  • When creating a custom App Setting, Solutions and Products properly show which features are supported and Word Online.

  • Web page becomes blank when accessing Policy Manager.

  • In the General tab of App Settings, the invalid change in the Description clears out unexpectedly.

  • When creating a custom App Setting and Configuration, "Default" can be used more than once.

  • The UI does not display properly after clicking Cancel in an error message.

  • The App Settings set name should be truncated when it is too long.

  • Event Logging in App Settings does not display correctly within the Enabled Loggers sections.

  • Super Tip description is wrong for On Check Policy Event and On New Event.

  • Duplicated text is displayed for tooltips.

  • An unexpected error displays when using <> to enclose text when creating a Schema field name.

October 2021

Version 2021.10

October 29, 2021

New Features
  • New App Settings feature that allows you to allows you to define, enable, and customize features and text that appear in the Client interface. Audit logging will record new or updated App Settings.

  • New OnShare event that triggers a Titus Policy for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

July 2021

Version 2021.07

July 23, 2021

New Features
  • The new Targeting feature provides capability to assign Configurations to specified user groups in a domain. When launching Policy Manager for the first time after the new release (or after being onboarded), the consent and permissions dialog may appear to request permission to read group data for the user targeting feature. The user may be asked if they want to use the targeting feature.

  • The Data Detection Engine Custom Condition leverages the new flexible type "Results" property that can contain a sub property of any data type from any data category in a catalog.

February 2021

Version 2021.02

February 20, 2021

  • An issue existed in 'Supported Products' link under Events and Policies section of a Configuration where expanding the 'Supported Products' does not display the list of products. The link needed to be expanded twice to view the supported product list. This issue is fixed now.

  • There was an intermittent issue in Edge browser which gives a login error for Policy Manager. This issue is fixed now.

December 2020

Version 2020.12

December 12, 2020

New Features
  • Policy Manager supports role based access control for Schema, Policies and Configuration. User's actions on Policy Manager are granted or restricted according to the assigned user role and permissions.

  • Policy Manager generates an audit log for administrator actions including create, update, delete and publish actions on objects.

  • Policy Manager does not support concurrent update on Policy Manager objects from multiple users logged in to the same account. If multiple users are using the same account, they must not update Policy Manager objects at the same time since this can cause data corruption.

October 2020

Version 2020.10

October 2020

  • Configuration card UI displays 'Supported Products' label under each listed Event in the Configuration which you can expand to view respective supported products.

  • You can define Custom Properties and use them in Rule conditions or assign values to them.

NOTE: If you created a Set Classification action in a previous release, it will not be updated in the current release. You must delete your previous action and create a new one.

July 2020

Version 2020.07

July 2020

  • "Apply HTML header/footer" Action definition is updated to "Apply header/footer".

  • You can use the HTML editor to enter HTML input in Content parameter of the Apply body tag Action.

  • Functionality which is not available or supported by Titus Classification products are now hidden from Policy Manager UI.

  • In the condition builder, when a Schema Value is used in the right hand side value of a condition for comparison, Policy Manager prevents you from deleting the used Value through Schema. An error message is displayed referencing the Rules where the Schema Values are used.

  • You are allowed to delete any other Value in the same Schema Field if it is not referenced in any Rule.

June 2020

Version 2020.06

June 2020

  • Updated property name for Data Detection Engine custom condition: The previously named “IdentificationProfile” property has been updated to “DataDetection”. This property contains details, in JSON format, about the sensitive information found in the source content.

  • Preselected Schema View for Configurations: When multiple Schema Views exist, the first available Schema View in the list is preselected for the Defaults set of Configuration.

  • Multiple line text for supported Action parameters: Policy Manager now includes multiple line capability for Action parameters that support it. For example, for the New classification parameter of Set classification Action type, you can apply Values for multiple Fields within the same Action using multiple line support.

  • A comprehensive error message is displayed now when database is not available.

May 2020

Version 2020.05

May 2020

  • Initial release for Titus Data Classification cloud solution.

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