Web Browser - Wait



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Waits an additional amount of time after the web browser window has finished loading (and is ready for input) before continuing to the next step.

  • The Web Browser action is not backwards compatible with the Web Browser (Legacy) action.
  • Automation with the Web Browser action is only compatible with Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.
  • The browser you specify must be updated to the latest version and installed on the target system to ensure the Web Browser action functions correctly.
  • Unlike other session-based actions where sessions are optional, the use of a session in the Web Browser action is required as each created session explicitly links to a specific web browser instance. A session is created using the Web Browser - Create session or Web Browser - Open activity. Numerous sessions are supported within a single task, however, since Web Browser actions are performed interactively (and not in the background), each session must run concurrently to avoid sending interactions to the wrong browser window.

Practical Usage

Used as a supplementary wait parameter to allow a web browser to wait a specific period of time after it is ready for input. Alternatively, the Wait action contains other ways to pause execution or wait for a specific event to occur.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session name Text Yes BrowserSession1 SESSION="mySession" Specifies the name of an existing session to associate with this activity. Numerous sessions can exist within a single task which allows activities to be performed on several web browsers simultaneously.
NOTE: Sessions are supported in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers only. Firefox does not require a separate extension to be installed with this version of the Web Browser action


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Wait until the browser is ready for input, then wait an additional Number No (Disabled) WAITTIME="3" If enabled, specifies the amount of seconds this activity waits after the browser is ready for input before continuing to the next step.
NOTE: This activity always waits until the browser is ready for input. It can wait an additional amount of time as specified, but it is not required.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This sample task opens a Firefox web browser to http://www.google.com/ and waits 5 seconds before navigating to https://www.helpsystems.com/product-lines/automate.

<AMWEBBROWSER URL="www.google.com" BROWSER="firefox" SESSION="BrowserSession1" />
<AMWEBBROWSER ACTIVITY="navigate" SESSION="BrowserSession1" URL="https://www.helpsystems.com/product-lines/automate" />