Remote Administration


The Task Administrator console is capable of Remote Administration, the ability to connect to other computers running Automate Desktop across a TCP/IP network (such as a LAN or the Internet) in order to deploy and manage tasks remotely. For security purposes, Remote Administration is disabled by default. Before another Automate Desktop client can connect and administer tasks on this client, Remote Administration must be enabled and a password must be defined.

To access Remote Administration settings, from the Task Administrator, navigate to Options> System Settings > Remote Administration.

Related Topics


Property Description
Allow remote administration If selected, allows other Automate Desktop clients installed remotely to administer this Automate Desktop installation. Connections are accepted on the Automate Desktop port specified in Task Service Preferences (typically 10010). For security reasons, this parameter is disabled by default.
NOTE: This parameter only applies to Automate Desktop installations that contain the Task Administrator. This does not apply to Automate DesktopRuntime components where remote administration passwords are configured during the installation process.
Password Enter the password to use by Automate Desktop clients to connect to this Automate Desktop Task Service.
Confirm Password Enter the password again for verification.

Setting Remote Administration

To set Remote Administration

  1. Add a check to the checkbox labeled Allow remote administration.
  2. Enter the desired password in the Password text box.
  3. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password text box.
  4. Click Apply to save changes.

To disable Remote Administration

  1. Disable the Allow remote administration box.

  2. Click Apply to save changes.