Amazon S3 - Copy objects


<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="copy_object" PROVIDER="text (options)" SESSION="text" ACCESSKEY="text" SECRETKEY="text (encrypted)" PROTOCOL="text (options)" USERAGENT="text" MAXERRORRETRY="number" SERVICEURL="text" PROXYHOST="text" PROXYPORT="number" PROXYUSER="text" PROXYPWD="text (encrypted)" BUCKETNAME="text" KEYNAME="text" DESTBUCKET="text" DESTKEY="text" TIMEOUT="number" ACL="text (options)" DIRECTIVE="text (options)" SOURCEVERSION="number" RESULTDATASET="text" MATCHCASE="YES/NO" EXCLUDE="text" RE="YES/NO" ISNEWERTHAN="%date/time expression%" ISOLDERTHAN="%date/time expression%"><HEADER NAME="text" VALUE="text" /><METADATA NAME="text" VALUE="text" /></AMAWSS3>

Related Topics  


Copies an S3 object from one bucket to another. This operation is identical to performing a Amazon S3 - Get object(s) activity followed by a Amazon S3 - Put object(s) activity.

IMPORTANT: The AWS S3 activities are performed using Amazon's Simple Storage Service engine, therefore, launching and operating Amazon S3 through Automate Desktop requires a valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Practical usage

Used to copy objects within Amazon S3. With this activity, you can create additional copies of objects, rename objects by copying them and deleting the original ones, move objects across Amazon S3 locations and update object metadata by copying original objects to new ones that contain new metadata.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Connection --- --- --- --- Indicates where AWS user credentials and preferences should originate from. This is a design mode parameter used only during task construction and configuration, thus, comprises no markup. The available options are:
  • Host (default)- Specifies that user credentials and advanced preferences are configured individually for this activity. This option is normally chosen if only a single activity is required to complete an operation.
  • Session - Specifies that user credentials and advanced preferences are obtained from a pre-configured session created in an earlier step with the use of the Amazon S3 - Create session activity. This option is normally chosen if a combination of related activities are required to complete an operation. Linking several activities to a single session eliminates redundancy. Additionally, a single task supports construction and simultaneous execution of multiple sessions, improving efficiency.

Connection - Session

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session Text Yes, if Connection is set to Session EC2Session1 SESSION="S3Session1" The name of an existing session to attach this activity to. This parameter is active only if the Connection parameter is set to Session. The default session name is S3Session1.

Connection - Host > Credentials

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Access key Text Yes, if Connection is set to Host (Empty) ACCESSKEY="022QF06E7MXBSH9DHM02" A 20-character alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the owner of the AWS service account, similar to a username. This key along with a corresponding secret access key forms a secure information set that AWS uses to confirm a valid user's identity. This parameter is active only if the Connection parameter is set to Host.
Secret access key Text Yes, if Connection is set to Host (Empty) SECRETKEY="text (encrypted)" A 40-character string that serves the role as password to access the AWS service account. This along with an associated access key forms a secure information set that EC2 uses to confirm a valid user's identity. This parameter is active only if the Connection parameter is set to Host.

Connection - Host > Advanced

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Protocol Text (options) No HTTP PROTOCOL="HTTPS" The protocol required. The available options are:
  • HTTP (default)
User agent Text No Automate USERAGENT="Automate" The name of the client or application initiating requests to AWS, which in this case, is Automate Desktop. This parameter's default value is Automate
Service URL Text No (Empty) SERVICEURL="" The URL that provides the service endpoint. To make the service call to a different region, you can pass the region-specific endpoint URL. For example, entering points to US West (Northern California) region. A complete list of S3 regions, along with associated endpoints and valid protocols can be found below under Amazon S3 regions and endpoints .
Maximum number of retries on error Number No (Empty) MAXERRORRETRY="4" The total amount of times this activity should retry its request to the server before returning an error. Network components can generate errors anytime in the life of a request, thus, implementing retries can increase reliability. 
Proxy host Text No (Empty) PROXYHOST="" The hostname (for example, or IP address (for example, of the proxy server to use when connecting to AWS.  
Proxy port Number No (Empty) PROXYPORT="1028" The port that should be used to connect to the proxy server.
Proxy username Text No (Empty) PROXYUSER="username" The username that should be used to authenticate connection with the proxy server (if required).
Proxy password Text No (Empty) PROXYPWD="encrypted" The password that should be used to authenticate connection with the proxy server (if required).


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Bucket name Text Yes (Empty) BUCKETNAME="MyBucket" Indicates the name of the bucket in which to copy objects from. To specify more than one object, use wildcard characters (for example, * or ?). To specify multiple objects or wildcard masks, separate them with a pipe symbol (|) (for example, *.txt|*.bak).
Key name Text Yes (Empty)
  • KEYNAME="keyname.txt"
  • KEYNAME="*.txt"
  • KEYNAME="*.txt|*.doc"
  • KEYNAME="*.*"
Specifies the key name of the objects in which to copy. A key is the unique identifier for an object within a bucket. To specify more than one object, use wildcard characters (for example, * or ?). To specify multiple objects or wildcard masks, separate them with a pipe symbol (|) (for example, *.txt|*.bak).
Destination bucket Text Yes (Empty) DESTBUCKET="myBucket" Indicates the bucket to copy the objects to.
Destination key (optional) Text No (Empty) DESTKEY="keyName" Indicates the destination key name to copy the objects to. If a matching key name already exists in the destination, it will be overwritten.
Canned ACL Text (options) Yes Private
  • ACL="noacl"
  • ACL="private"
  • ACL="publicread"
  • ACL="publicreadwrite"
  • ACL="authenticateread"
  • ACL="bucketownerread"
  • ACL="bucketownerfull"
Because of restrictions in what can be sent by way of http headers, Amazon S3 supports the concept of canned access policies. The available canned ACL options are:
  • No ACL - No access policies.
  • Private (default) - Owner gets full control. No one else has access rights.
  • Public read - Owner gets full control and the anonymous principal is granted read access.
  • Public read write - Owner gets full control, the anonymous principal is granted read/write access. Useful policy to apply to a bucket, but is generally not recommended.
  • Authenticated read - Owner gets full control, and any principal authenticated as a registered Amazon S3 user is granted read access.
  • Bucket owner read - Object owner gets full control. Bucket owner gets read access. This ACL applies only to objects and is equivalent to Private when used with Amazon S3 - Create bucket activity. Use this ACL to let someone other than the bucket owner write content (get full control) in the bucket but still grant the bucket owner read access to the objects.
  • Bucket owner full control - Object owner gets full control. Bucket owner gets full control. Applies only to objects and is equivalent to Private when used with Amazon S3 - Create bucket activity. Use this ACL to let someone other than the bucket owner write content (get full control) in the bucket but still grant the bucket owner full rights over the objects.
Metadata directive Text (options) Yes Copy
  • DIRECTIVE="copy"
  • DIRECTIVE="replace"
Specifies whether the metadata is copied from the source object or replaced with metadata provided in the request. The available Options are:
  • Copy (default) - Metadata is copied from the source.
  • Replace - Metadata is replaced with metadata provided in the request.
NOTE: If copied, the metadata remains unchanged. Otherwise, all original metadata is replaced by the metadata you specify. You cannot copy an object to itself unless this parameter is specified and its value set to Replace.
Source version ID (optional) Number No (Empty) SOURCEVERSION="333333" The version of the Amazon S3 object in which to copy. If versioning is enabled on your S3 bucket, (using the Amazon S3 - Set bucket versioning activity) this parameter is useful in identifying objects in the same bucket that have the same key name but different version IDs.
Timeout (minutes) Number No 20


The timeout value (in minutes) that should be set for this activity. The value is assigned to the timeout properties of the requested object used for S3 copy requests. The default value is 20 minutes.
Create and populate dataset with S3 object information Text No (Empty) RESULTDATASET="myData" The name of the dataset to create and populate with information in regards to the objects to copy. More details regarding the individual fields that this dataset creates can be found below under Datasets.

File Options

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Match case Yes/No No No MATCHCASE="YES" If selected, this activity becomes case sensitive. This parameter is disabled by default.
Exclude Mask Text No (Empty) EXCLUDE="*.txt" Causes this activity to omit matching masks specified. Key names or wildcard masks may be used. To specify more than one object, use wildcard characters (for example, * or ?). To specify multiple key names or wildcard masks, separate them with a pipe symbol (|) (for example, *.txt|*.bak).
Regular expression Yes/No No No RE="YES" If selected, the value entered in the Exclude mask parameter will be interpreted as regular expression. If disabled, the value will be interpreted as normal readable text.
Only if newer than Date No (Empty) ISNEWERTHAN="%DateSerial(2001,10,12) + TimeSerial(00,00,00)%" If enabled, causes this activity to only act on objects that are newer than the date/time specified. If this parameter is left blank or disabled (default), object dates are ignored.

Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date parameters. Enable the Expression option to allow entry of a date/time expression.

Only if older than Date No (Empty) ISOLDERTHAN="%DateSerial(2001,10,12) + TimeSerial(00,00,00)%" If enabled, causes this activity to only act on objects that are older than the date/time specified. If this parameter is left blank or disabled (default), object dates are ignored.

Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date parameters. Enable the Expression option to allow entry of a date/time expression.


Each Amazon S3 object has a set of key-value pairs with which it is associated called Headers or Metadata. Metadata can provide important details about an object, such as file name, type, date of creation/modification, etc. There are two kinds of metadata in S3; system metadata, and user metadata. System metadata is used and processed by Amazon S3. User metadata (also known as custom header) is specified by you, the user. Amazon S3 simply stores it and passes it back to you upon request. Automate Desktop lets you to store your personal information as custom headers or user metadata such as First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Phone Numbers, etc, so that you can distinguish specific files. Using this parameter, you can add new custom header/user metadata to existing S3 objects, edit default S3 metadata on a bucket or store/upload new objects with custom header or metadata.

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Headers Name Text No (Empty)
  • HEADER NAME="City"
  • HEADER NAME="State"
Specifies the "key" in a header key-value pair. In Amazon S3, details about each file and folder are stored in key value pairs called metadata or headers. System metadata is used and processed by Amazon S3, however, user metadata or custom headers can be specified by you. This adds more flexibility and enables you to better distinguish specific files by adding or editing custom headers on existing S3 objects or assigning custom headers to new objects. Press Click here to add new row... to add a key-value pair. Press the red X to remove an existing key-value pair.
Headers Value Text No (Empty)
  • VALUE="Los Angeles"
  • VALUE="California"
Specifies the "value" in a header key-value pair. In Amazon S3, details about each file and folder are stored in key value pairs called metadata or headers. System metadata is used and processed by Amazon S3, however, user metadata or custom headers can be specified by you. This adds more flexibility and enables you to better distinguish specific files by adding or editing custom headers on existing S3 objects or assigning custom headers to new objects. Press Click here to add new row... to add a key-value pair. Press the red X to remove an existing key-value pair.
Metadata Name Text No (Empty) METADATA NAME="mymetadata" Specifies the "key" in a metadata key-value pair. This is the handle that you assign to an object. Press Click here to add new row... to add a key-value pair. Press the red X to remove an existing key-value pair.
Metadata Value Text No (Empty) VALUE="metadataValue" Specifies the "value" in a metadata key-value pair. This is the content that you are storing for an object. Press Click here to add new row... to add a key-value pair. Press the red X to remove an existing key-value pair.


Error Causes

On Error

Additional notes

Amazon S3 regions and endpoints

This table contains a complete list of Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints, along with their corresponding regions, supported protocols and location constraints.

Endpoint Region Protocol Location Constraints US Standard * HTTP and HTTPS (none required) US West (Oregon) Region HTTP and HTTPS us-west-2 US West (Northern California) Region HTTP and HTTPS us-west-1 EU (Ireland) Region HTTP and HTTPS EU Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-northeast-1 South America (Sao Paulo) Region HTTP and HTTPS sa-east-1

* The US Standard region automatically routes requests to facilities in Northern Virginia or the Pacific Northwest using network maps.


A dataset is a multiple column, multiple row container object. This activity creates and populates a dataset containing a specific set of fields in addition to the standard dataset fields.

Name Type Return Value
theDataset.KeyName Text The Key Name of the retrieved object.
theDataset.AmazonID2 Text A special token associated to the retrieved object that helps Amazon Web Service (AWS) troubleshoot problems.
theDataset.ETag Text The object's entity tag. This is a hash of the object that can be used to do conditional operations. The ETag only reflects changes to the contents of an object, not its metadata.
theDataset.Size Number The size of the object, in bytes.
theDataset.ContentType Text A standard MIME type describing the format of the object (for example, text/plain).
theDataset.VersionID Text The version ID of the retrieved object if it has a unique version ID.
NOTE: To get the version ID, Versioning must be enabled using the Amazon S3 - Set bucket versioning activity.


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task copies an object from a source bucket to a destination bucket, overwriting an existing object.

<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="list_objects" PROVIDER="session_based" SESSION="S3Session1" BUCKETNAME="myBucket" RESULTDATASET="test" />
<AMLOOP ACTIVITY="dataset" DATASET="test" />
<AMSHOWDIALOG>Owner - %test.ETag%Key Name - %test.KeyName%Last Modified Date - %test.LastModified%Owner - %test.Owner%Size - %test.Size%Storage Class - %test.StorageClass%</AMSHOWDIALOG><AMLOOP ACTIVITY="end" />
<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="end_session" SESSION="mySession" />