Web Browser (Legacy) - Set value



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Sets the specified value onto an element in an established web browser session.

NOTE: Automation can be performed on Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers only. Firefox automation requires a separate extension which can be downloaded from here. The browser you specify must be installed on the target system to ensure that these activities function properly. Unlike other session-based actions in which sessions are optional, the use of a session in the Web Browser (Legacy) action is required due to the fact that each created session explicitly links to a specific web browser instance. A session can be created using the Web Browser (Legacy) Create session or Open activity. Numerous sessions are supported within a single task, however, since Web Browser (Legacy) actions are performed interactively (and not in the background), each session must run concurrently to avoid sending interactions to the wrong browser window.

Practical usage

Commonly used to inject a value into a specific object or control in a browser.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session name Text Yes BrowserLegacySession1 SESSION="mySession" The name of an existing session to attach this activity to. Numerous sessions can exist within a single task allowing several web browser operations to be performed simultaneously on separate browser windows.
Select browser --- --- --- --- This activity comprises Automate Desktop's Window Dissection technology to facilitate the discovery of existing windows and their controls. To select the target browser window, make certain the window is open and in the foreground (in front of all other open windows). Click and drag the magnifier icon, and then drop it over the window. If the window is supported by this activity, a green border will appear around it. Upon release, the Browser and URL parameters are populated with appropriate values. Alternatively, you can manually select a browser, enter the desired URL, and then click Open to test.
Browser Text(options) Yes Internet Explorer BROWSER="Firefox" The following browsers are supported with this activity:
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
URL Text Yes (Empty) URL="www.google.com" The URL this activity should be performed on (for example, www.fortra.com or https://www.fortra.com).
Locate HTML elements --- --- --- --- The following parameters relate to the specification of HTML elements required to identify the object that this activity should be performed on.

To pinpoint an HTML element (in this case, the button to click), ensure the desired URL has been entered in the URL text box, and then click Open. The hand icon will now become enabled. Click and drag the hand icon, and then drop it over the desired control in the browser window. If the control is supported by this activity, a blue border will appear around it. Specific parameters become enabled depending on which elements were detected as a result of the drag and drop operation. You can further fine tune your selection by editing these parameters.

NOTE: The overall speed and accuracy of an element search is highly dependent on the amount of contents an HTML document contains as well as the type of criteria being used to search for the element. Using an element's unique ID as a search method is considered the fastest and most accurate method of locating an HTML element because an element ID is always unique within an HTML document.
Path within the document hierarchy Text No (Empty) PATH="/outer/inner/" If the desired control is located within a floating frame, you can specify a frame hierarchy in this field. The specifier is a list of slash delimited frame identifiers (for example, "/outer_frame/inner_framer/").
Locate by identifier (best method) Text No (Empty) HTMLID="unique_ID" If enabled, specifies that the unique ID identifying the target object will be searched. Specifying an element's unique identifier (where it is supported) is the fastest and most accurate method of locating an HTML element due to the fact that an ID must be unique within the HTML document. This parameter is disabled by default.
Locate by name (certain elements) Text No (Empty) HTMLNAME="element_name" If enabled, specifies that the unique name identifying the target object will be searched. Specifying an element's unique name (where it is supported) is a fast and accurate method of locating an HTML element due to the fact that an element name must be unique within the HTML document. This parameter is disabled by default.
Locate by HTML tag Text No (Empty) HTMLTAG="tagName" If enabled, specifies that the start tag (or opening tag) identifying the target object will be searched.
Locate by attributes (case-sensitive, all must match) --- --- --- --- If enabled, allows attribute name / value pairs to be used as search criteria. Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. If this option is enabled, the parameters specified below become active.
Attribute name Text No (Empty) HTMLATTRIBUTE NAME="foo" VALUE="bar" The name of the attribute to search for. Click Add to enter a new attribute name / value pair. To remove an existing name / value pair, highlight the proper row of data, and then click Remove.  
Attribute value Text No (Empty) HTMLATTRIBUTE NAME="foo" VALUE="bar" The name of the attribute to search for. Click Add to enter a new attribute name / value pair. To remove an existing name / value pair, highlight the proper row of data, and then click Remove.  
Locate by content (not recommended, slow) Text No (Empty) HTMLCONTENTS="contents" If enabled, specifies that any textual and graphical content between the start and end tags will be used as search criteria. This parameter is disabled by default.
NOTE: This search method is exceedingly slow. Use as a last resort if all other methods cannot be used.
Restrict to specific match Number No (Empty) USEMATCH="44" If enabled, specifies which occurrence to use if there are multiple matches. For example, if five text boxes match and this parameter is set to 4, it will apply the activity to the fourth text box. This parameter is disabled by default.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Set Text (options) No Text
  • ATTRIBUTE=":text"
  • ATTRIBUTE=":html"
  • ATTRIBUTE="custom"
The type of value to set. The available options are:
  • Text - Set text.
  • EnclosedHTML - Set HTML enclosed in the opening and closing tag. (Example: “foo” in <DIV>foo</DIV>).
  • Specific attribute - Set a specific attribute. You can use any desired attribute, however, some common attributes are listed as follows:
    • id

    • name
    • value
    • type
    • checked
Change to Text Yes (Empty) VALUE="Fortra" The value that should be set.
Disguise the value --- --- --- --- If enabled, the value will appear encrypted in the AML code. If disabled, the value will appear in plain text. This is a visual parameter only used during design-time, therefore, contains on markups.
For multiple matches, set attribute of all matching controls Yes/No No No MULTIPLE="YES" If selected specifies that change will be performed on all matches. No errors are raised for zero matches. If disabled, specifies that there should be only one match. If zero or more than one matching controls are found, an error will occur. This parameter is disabled by default.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This simple task opens a browser set to the URL https://www.google.com/ sets the value "Fortra" in the search box and sends the keystroke ENTER.

<AMBROWSER URL="http://www.google.com/" SESSION="mySession" />
<AMBROWSER ACTIVITY="setvalue" HTMLNAME="q" SESSION="mySession" VALUE="Network Automation" ATTRIBUTE=":text" />