DlgSetPicture Instruction


DlgSetPicture DlgItem, FileName, Type


Dialog Function


Instruction: Set the file name for DlgItem.

This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a dialogfunc


Parameters Description
DlgItem If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's field name.
FileName Set the file name of DlgItem to this string value.
Type This numeric value indicates the type of bitmap used. See below.


Type Effect
0 FileName is the name of the bitmap file. If the file does not exist then "(missing picture)" is displayed.
3 The clipboard's bitmap is displayed. If the clipboard does not contain a bitmap then "(missing picture)" is displayed.
16 Same a 0, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
19 Same a 3, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.


Sub Main
    Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
        Picture 10,10,180,75,"",0,.Picture
        OKButton 30,90,60,20
        PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&View"
    End Dialog
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
    Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
    Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
    Select Case Action%
    Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
    Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
        Select Case DlgItem$
        Case "View"
            FileName = GetFilePath("Bitmap","BMP")
            DlgSetPicture "Picture",FileName,0
            DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
        End Select
    End Select
End Function