EFT Server stores some of its configuration information in the Windows Registry. EFT Server modifies the system registry as needed, and continually references this information during operation.
Refer to the following topics in this user guide for details of these commonly configured registry settings:
Upgrading the Software—If a Site uses the LDAP Authentication Manager, and if the users are allowed to change their passwords, LDAP calls are used to make the password changes. In v6.2, Active Directory calls were used to make the password changes. With the switch to LDAP in v6.3 and later, LDAP over SSL should be used to protect the password changes. LDAP over SSL can be difficult to configure, so setting the ChangePassByAD DWORD value to 1 allows you to continue using the Active Directory API for the password changes, which also provides security for the communication path.
Allowing Multipart Transfers (COMB Command)—Enable client offload/download multipart transfers over FTP/FTPS with the DWORDs MultipartValue and EnableMultipart.
Changing the Number of Concurrent Threads Used by Event Rules:
Override the initial worker thread count in Folder Monitor rules with the DWORD FolderMonitorWorkerThreadCount.
Specify the global maximum number of connections for EFT Server's transfer engine (the default is 100) with the DWORD MaxNumberConnections.
Accessing EFT Server Through a Proxy—The default HTTP client for the WTC is based on the Apache library, but if the proxy you are trying to connect through requires NTLM v2 authentication, the WTC will need to use an alternate HTTP client based on the JSE 6 application library. You can force the WTC to use the JSE HTTP client by configuring the DWORD use_JSE_HTTP_Client.
AD Password Expiration—On NTAD/LDAP Sites, you can configure EFT Server to send an e-mail notifying users that their password is about to expire in <n> days by setting the DWORD PasswordChg_EmailInterval.
Changing an AD Password via the WTC—The WTC NTAD/LDAP change password capability can be turned on/off through the DWORD PasswordChg_NTADLDAP.
Allow Server to Accept ODBC Database Passwords that are MD5 Hashed—When you create user accounts within EFT Server, the ODBC database is populated with the username and a SHA-256 hash of the account password. The DWORD UseMD5PasswordHash will cause ODBC to use MD5 instead.
Session Timeout—The DWORD WTCTimeout specifies the number of minutes that you want the WTC session to be active, but idle, before the session is released.
Specifying the Value Returned by the FTP SYST Command—If your server requires a particular response, EFT Server provides a registry setting with which you can specify the value returned by the FTP SYST command (DWORD FTPSYSTResponse).
Integrated Windows Authentication for Single Sign On (SSO)—Enabled for AD users using Internet Explorer with DWORD use_registry and enable_iwa.
The Client Log (Event Rule Logging)—A tenth column can be added to the CL log by defining a registry entry, DWORD Enable10ColumnInClientLog.
The EFT.log File—EFT Server can be instructed to log specific or all HTTP request headers when DWORD log_request is set to 1.
EFT Server Web Services—The Web Services timeout is set to 60 seconds. You can change the timeout value in DWORD WebServiceTimeout.
To view other registry settings, please visit the GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base at http://kb.globalscape.com/article.aspx?id=10411.