AS2 Transaction Success and Failure Notification

EFT can execute a command or send an email to notify you of the success or failure of AS2 transactions. The email or Command is triggered when all message send attempts have been attempted or the asynchronous MDN wait time has expired (if applicable).

The email notification and custom command are configured by clicking the applicable link in the AS2 Inbound and AS2 Outbound tabs or in the AS2 Partner Access wizard.

  • Clicking the Transaction FAILED/SUCCESS notification email link, [Add], opens the Edit Mail Template dialog box.

  • Clicking the Transaction FAILED/SUCCESS send command link, [Add], opens the Custom Command dialog box. (You will have to define the custom command before using it in the notification.)

  • Each of the fields are optional



Transaction FAILED notification email

Opens the Edit Mail dialog box in which you can specify an email notification for failed transaction.

Transaction SUCCESS notification email

Opens the Edit Mail dialog box in which you can specify an email notification for successful transaction.

  • Refer to email Notification Action for details of defining an email notification.

  • Refer to Creating a Command to create a command and refer to Script: Custom Command Action for details of using a Command.

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