File System - Touch |
<AMFILESYSTEM ACTIVITY="touch" SUBFOLDERS="yes/no" EXCLUDE="text" RE="yes/no" ISNEWERTHAN="date" MODE="text (options)" SOURCE="text" CREATIONTIME="date" LASTACCESSTIME="date" LASTWRITETIME="" TOUCH="date" READONLYFILE="text (options)" /> |
"Touches" one or more files in order to update their creation, last modified and/or last accessed date and time with the selected date/time. To specify more than one file, use wildcard characters (* or ?). To specify multiple file names or wildcard masks, separate them with a pipe symbol (Example: c:\*.txt|c:\*.bak).
Often useful to categorize dates/times over a range of files. If your output is a whole tree of files, it can be quicker and more convenient to update the date/time of all files rather than it is to navigate through the whole tree looking at update times.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Mode |
Text (options) |
Yes |
File |
MODE="folder" |
The type of item to perform this activity on. The available options are:
Source |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
The file(s) that should be affected by the update. This can be a fully qualified path and file name (preferred) or a file name only (requires use of the Change Folder action). Wildcard characters (* or ?) may be used to specify files matching a certain mask. To specify multiple file names or wildcard masks, separate them with a pipe symbol (Example: c:\*.txt|c:\*.bak). |
Creation time |
Text |
No |
Disabled |
CREATIONTIME= "%DateSerial(2009,01,01) +TimeSerial(01,10,00)%" |
If enabled, indicates the creation date/time that the specified file(s) should be updated to. Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date/time ranges. Enable the Expression parameter to enter a date/time expression. |
Last accessed time |
Text |
No |
Disabled |
LASTACCCESSTIME= "%DateSerial(2009,01,01) +TimeSerial(01,10,00)%" |
If enabled, indicates the last accessed date/time that the specified file(s) should be updated to. Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date/time ranges. Enable the Expression parameter to enter a date/time expression. |
Last write time |
Text |
No |
Disabled |
LASTWRITETIME= "%DateSerial(2009,01,01) +TimeSerial(01,10,00)%" |
If enabled, indicates the last write (or last modified) date/time that the specified file(s) should be updated to. Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date/time ranges. Enable the Expression parameter to enter a date/time expression. |
Touch |
Text (options) |
No |
Only date |
Determines what portion of the date/time value will be updated. The available options are:
If folder is read-only |
Text |
No |
Disabled |
Specifies the action that should be performed if the file's/folder's attribute is set to read-only. The available options are:
File Options
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Include subfolders |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
If set to YES, denotes that, if present, subfolders should be searched for files matching the mask specified in the File parameter. If set to NO (default), subfolders are ignored. |
Exclude mask |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
Causes this action to omit files matching the mask(s) specified. File names or wildcard masks may be used. Multiple entries may be specified by separating them with a pipe symbol (Example: *.txt|*.bak). |
Regular expression |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
RE="YES" |
If set to YES, specifies that the value entered in the Exclude mask parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression. If set to NO (default), the value will be interpreted as normal readable text. |
Only if Newer Than |
Date |
No |
Disabled |
ISNEWERTHAN= "%DateSerial(2001,10,12) + TimeSerial(00,00,00)%" |
If enabled, causes this action to only act on files that are newer than the date/time specified. If this parameter is left blank or disabled (default), file dates are ignored. Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date parameters. Enable the Expression option to allow entry of a date/time expression. |
Only if Older Than |
Date |
No |
Disabled |
ISOLDERTHAN= "%DateSerial(2001,10,12) + TimeSerial(00,00,00)%" |
If enabled, causes this action to only act on files that are older than the date/time specified. If this parameter is left blank or disabled (default), file dates are ignored. Click the Custom button to select from a list of pre-defined date parameters. Enable the Expression option to allow entry of a date/time expression. |
File Filter
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Attributes |
Text (options) |
No |
(Empty) |
ATTRFILTER="+R+A-H" (move read-only & archive files but not hidden files) |
This group of settings causes the action to filter which files are moved based on the attribute settings of the source file(s). In visual mode, a group of controls are provided to assist in the selection of this parameter. In markup mode, a single text item must be specified that contains the attributes of the files you wish to copy. Available Options:
NOTE: The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps panel of the Task Builder. |
Description: Touch file(s) "C:\Temp\*.txt". Touch date only. Change creation time to "%DateAdd( "d", -30, CStr( Now() ))%". Change last access time to "%DateSerial(2010,06,01)+TimeSerial(12,06,22)%". Change last write time to "%DateSerial(2010,06,01)+TimeSerial(12,06,22)%". Skip read only file(s).
<AMTOUCHFILE FILE="C:\Temp\*.txt" CREATIONTIME="%DateAdd( "d", -30, CStr( Now() ))%" LASTACCESSTIME="%DateSerial(2010,06,01)+TimeSerial(12,06,22)%" LASTWRITETIME="%DateSerial(2010,06,01)+TimeSerial(12,06,22)%" TOUCHDATE="YES" />