MSMQ - Send Message |
Sends a message to the specified queue located locally or on a remote machine.
IMPORTANT: MSMQ activities are performed using the Microsoft Message Queuing engine, therefore, MSMQ must be installed on the computer that will run such operations. MSMQ software comes bundled with all Microsoft Windows operating systems from Windows 2000 up to, and including Windows 8, however, it is not installed by default. For more details regarding the installation of MSMQ, see MSMQ Installation & Overview. |
Generally used for the purpose of sending a message to the selected queue.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Local Machine |
Yes/No |
No |
Enabled |
If enabled, specifies that this activity will be performed on the local machine. If selected, the Remote Machine parameter is ignored. This parameter is enabled by default. |
Remote Machine |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
If enabled, specifies the host name or IP address of the remote machine that this activity will be performed on. If this parameter is enabled, the Local Machine parameter is ignored. |
Message Queue |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
QUEUENAME="HostName\QueueName" |
The name of the message queue to retrieve message from. The message queue name consists of the compute name, an optional PRIVATE$ keyword that indicates whether it is a private queue and the name of the queue. Public queue example: ComputerName\QueueName Private queue example: ComputerName\PRIVATE$\QueueName |
Message Label |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
LABEL="theCoolMessage" |
The label of the message to send. This label can be used in the MSMQ - Wait for Message activity to allow for a specific message to wait for. |
Message Text |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
MESSAGETEXT="The message" |
If enabled, specified the text message to send. If this parameter is enabled, the Message File parameter is ignored. |
Transactional |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
Indicates whether the message to send should be set as transactional. Transactional messages are messages sent within a transaction. |
Encoding |
Text (options) |
No |
UTF8 |
The character encoding method to use. This parameter is only available if the Message Text parameter is enabled. The available options are:
Populate variable with message text |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
Indicates an existing variable in which to populate the contents of the message body. This parameter is only available if the Message Text parameter is enabled. |
Message File |
Text |
No |
(Empty) |
MESSAGEFILE= "c:\temp\Message.txt" |
If enabled indicates that the message to send should be obtained from the specified text file. If this parameter is enabled, the Message Text parameter is ignored. |
Overwrite if exists |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
Indicates that if a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten with the new message body. This parameter is only available if the Message body type parameter is set to File. |
NOTE: The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps panel of the Task Builder. |
Description: A simple task that creates a queue, sends message to that queue, waits for the message, retrieves the message and purges the queue.
<!-- Create variable --> <AMVARIABLE NAME="theVar" /> <!-- Create private queue --> <AMMSMQ PRIVATE="YES" NAME="myPrivateQueue" RESULTDATASET="privateQueueData" /> <!-- Send message to queue --> <AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="send_message" QUEUENAME="vmwinvx64\Private$\myPrivateQueue" MESSAGELABEL="Support" MESSAGEFILE="C:\Users\techsupport\Desktop\cd.txt" /> <!-- Wait for message --> <AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="wait_for_message" QUEUENAME="vmwinvx64\Private$\myPrivateQueue" RESULTDATASET="data" MESSAGELABEL="Support" RESULTVARIABLE="theVar" /> <!-- Retrieve message --> <AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="retrieve_message" QUEUENAME="vmwinvx64\Private$\myPrivateQueue" RESULTDATASET="data" MESSAGEFILE="C:\Users\techsupport\Desktop\rt.txt" OVERWRITEFILE="YES" REMOVEMESSAGE="YES" /> <!-- Purge queue --> <AMMSMQ ACTIVITY="delete_queue" QUEUENAME="vmwinvx64\Private$\myPrivateQueue" />