Services - List |
Retrieves all services installed locally or on a remote machine and populates a dataset with their service name, display name and current state.
Used to place a list of all system services into an dataset. Once the dataset is created, other actions such as Loop Dataset can be used to access the data.
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Create and populate dataset |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
RESULTDATASET="theDataset" |
The name of the dataset to create and populate the list of services. More on the fields that this dataset creates can be found below. |
Include devices |
Yes/No |
No |
No |
If set to YES, indicates that device driver information will be included in the dataset. This parameter is set to NO by default and available only local services are specified. |
Property |
Type |
Required |
Default |
Markup |
Description |
Local computer |
If enabled, indicates that this activity will be performed on services located on the local computer. This parameter is enabled by default. If this parameter is selected, the Another computer parameter becomes inactive. This is a visual mode parameter used during design time only, therefore, it contains no markups. |
Another computer |
If enabled, indicates that this activity will be performed on a services located on a remote computer. The parameters below become active if this parameter is enabled. This is a visual mode parameter used during design time only, therefore, it contains no markups. |
Computer |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
The computer name of the remote machine in which to connect to. |
Domain |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
The domain that the remote machine belongs to. |
Username |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
A valid username used to log onto the remote machine. This user must have proper permissions to modify services on the remote machine. |
Password |
Text |
Yes |
(Empty) |
The password associated with the username entered above. |
A dataset is a multiple column, multiple row container object. This activity creates and populates a dataset containing a specific set of fields in addition to the standard dataset fields. The table below describes these fields (assuming the dataset name assigned was theDataset).
Name |
Type |
Return Value |
theDataset.ServiceName |
Text |
Returns the name of the service as it appears in the General tab of the service's properties under Service Name. |
theDataset.DisplayName |
Text |
Returns the friendly name of the service as it appears in the General tab of the service's properties under Display Name. |
theDataset.Status |
Text |
Returns the current state of the service. Possible values for a service state are:
NOTE: The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps panel of the Task Builder. |
The list of local services are populated into a dataset. A Loop dataset activity loops through each field (row) of the dataset. Within each iteration, information about the current service is displayed in a message dialog.
<AMSERVICES ACTIVITY="list" RESULTDATASET="theDataset" /> <AMLOOP ACTIVITY="dataset" DATASET="theDataset"> <AMSHOWDIALOG WINDOWTITLE="Service Information " BUTTONS="ok_cancel" ONSECONDBUTTONCLICK="stop">Service Name - %theDataset.ServiceName% Service Display Name - %theDataset.DisplayName% Service Status - %theDataset.Status% </AMSHOWDIALOG> </AMLOOP>