Email Server Settings

The SMTP Server Settings on EFT's SMTP tab are completed automatically when you define them in the Server Setup Wizard during installation. You must configure the mail server settings for the EFT to send email notifications when Events occur, including the address for the outgoing mail server, an address for the administrator, and other details described below.Email Templates used for notifications are also managed at the bottom of the SMTP tab, and saved in the SQLite database found in ..\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server.

Microsoft recommends that you disable SMTP AUTH organization-wide or per mailbox (hosted in Office 365 or Microsoft 365). For more details, refer to the Microsoft topic at

In EFT v8.2 and later, SMTP can authenticate with the XOAuth2 method. XOAuth2 can be configured from the EFT administration interface, REST API, and COM API. The supported token providers are Gmail or Microsoft 365. Google provides Gmail service account credentials in a key file. An EFT administrator needs to specify a path to the key file (which works similar to EFT SSL certificates).


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