Enterprise Console Edit Mode

By default, the Enterprise Console is shown in View-only mode which prevents accidental changes being made to the layout configuration.

Edit mode allows the re-confguration of an existing layout or the design of a completely new layout that can the be used from the Layouts option when operating in View mode.

TIP: See Switching between View and Edit Modes for more information on how to access Edit mode.

Editing Panels

Editing an existing panel within the Enterprise Console allows you to define and control the information displayed within the panel and from which devices the information originates.

To edit an existing panel, click Edit Panel from the Edit Tools | Layouts menu bar. The Edit Panel dialog opens.

NOTE: Edit Mode is required in order to edit the existing panels. See Switching between View and Edit Mode for more information.

The Edit Panel options are exactly the same as when adding a new layout to the Enterprise Console.

Deleting Panels

Should an existing panel no longer be needed it can be deleted from the current Enterprise Console view.

To remove a panel from the Enterprise Console, click Delete Panel from the Edit Tools | Layouts menu bar.

NOTE: Edit Mode is required in order to delete an existing panel. See Switching between View and Edit Mode for more information.

You are prompted to confirm the request. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel and return to the Enterprise Console previous state.

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