Automate - Backup Automate



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Saves a backup copy of managed tasks, triggers, and system data onto an Automate Desktop archive (.AMA) file. This file may later be used to restore lost data in case an accidental deletion, file corruption or catastrophic system event occurs.

NOTE: The archive file can be restored from the Task Administrator by way of the Edit menu under System > Restore.

Practical usage

Commonly used in a simple task that backs-up the current automate installation to a single file. With the use of the Schedule trigger, you can easily create a task that backs up your Automate Desktop data on a scheduled basis. The task can also be deployed to one or more remote Runtime installations by clicking the Deploy button and selecting from the list of connected machines to send the task to.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Back up tasks and triggers Yes/No Yes Yes BACKUPTASKSANDTRIGGERS="NO" If selected, managed tasks along with their triggers and other properties will be included in the backup. This parameter is selected by default.
Include constants and system preferences Yes/No No No BACKUPHKLM="YES" If selected, constants and system preferences for the current user such as toolbar arrangement and font settings will be included in the backup. This parameter is disabled by default.
Archive location Text Yes (Empty) BACKUPARCHIVENAME="C:Temp\Backup" The location in which to save the Automate Desktop archive (.ama) file. Click the Folder icon to navigate to the desired location or manually enter the full path and file name in the provided text-box.
Overwrite file if it exists Yes/No No Yes OVERWRITE="NO"  If selected, denotes that if an archive file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten with the newly created archive file. If disabled, the existing file will not be overwritten, however, a runtime error will occur as a result. This parameter is selected by default.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task creates a backup file that contains Automate Desktop tasks and task list.
