Default Paths

EFT Server allows you to change the default the location of some of its configuration files.


If your existing application data path is set to the same path as your EFT Server installation directory, then do NOT follow these steps. Instead, contact support for assistance.

To specify the file path for configuration files

  1. On the computer on which EFT Server is installed, as a precaution, back up EFT Server's configuration, and make note of the backup location:

  2. Open the administration interface and connect to EFT Server.

  3. On the Server tab, click the Server whose configuration settings you want to change.

  4. In the right pane, click the General tab.


  5. Under Server configuration settings, make note of the current path. If an error occurs, you will need to change it back to the original path. (e.g., copy and paste into a text file). The default path on Windows 2008 is: C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server or \EFT Server Enterprise. (On Windows versions prior to Windows 2008, the default path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Globalscape\EFT Server or \EFT Server Enterprise.)

  6. In the Server configuration settings box, provide the new path at which you want to store EFT Server's configuration files.

  7. Click Apply to save the changes. A message appears indicating that you need to restart the EFT Server service for the changes to take effect.

  8. Click OK to dismiss the message, then STOP the EFT Server service (not NOT restart).

  9. In Windows Explorer copy (do NOT move) the entire contents (files and folders) from the original path to the new path.

  10. After you have copied the server configuration to the new location, start the EFT Server service.

  11. Open the administration interface and connect to EFT Server.

  12. Each of the Sites and other customizations should be visible. Verify that the path in Server configuration settings is the new path.

  13. If the Server Setup wizard or Site Setup wizard appears, there was an error connecting to the new configuration path or you missed a step in this procedure. To correct this, do one of the following:

  14. Once you've verified everything is back to the original configuration (after logging in), retry each of the steps above, making sure to carefully follow each step.

Related Topics

Changing a Site's Root Folder

Specifying a User's Home Folder

Log Settings