EFT Messages

EFT generates several different types of messages during operation. Some messages can be edited within the administration interface, others must be edited within a text file that you create, and others are hard coded and not editable. The various messages and their uses are described below. (Note that items linked in the Message column are described elsewhere in this user guide. Click the links for more information.)



Where Edited

Audit failure notification e-mail

Sent when database connection errors occur

System message; not editable

Password reset reminder message

Notify users of their pending password expiration up to 30 days prior to the password expiration date--applies to all users on the Server; but you can create Site-specific versions, as described at the link.

Administration interface, Server node > General tab

EFT looks for the file PasswordResetReminderMsg.html in the APP_DAT_PATH directory (by default, C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise).

Password reset required message

Notify users that their password has expired--applies to all users on the Server; but you can create Site-specific versions, as described at the link.

Administration interface, Server node > General tab

EFT looks for the file PasswordResetMsg.html in the APP_DAT_PATH directory (by default, C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise).

Password Reset Confirmation Message

Sent when a user requests a password reset--applies to all users on the Server; but you can create Site-specific versions, as described at the link.

EFT looks for the file PasswordResetConfirm.html in the APP_DAT_PATH directory (by default, C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise). If the file does not exist, the following text is used (or you can create the file):




 <p>A password change request for %USER.LOGIN% was requested from %REMOTE_IP%.</p>

  <p>Click the following link to confirm your request and create a new password:</p>

   <p> <a href=\"%LINK%\">Click to reset your password.</a></p>

  <p>Please note that this link will expire 24 hours from the time it was sent.</p>

 <p>If you did not request a password reset then please ignore this message.</p>



User login credentials message

E-mail that contains the login credentials for connecting to EFT--applies to all users on the Server; but you can create Site-specific versions, as described at the link.

Administration interface, Server node > General tab

EFT looks for the file CredentialsTemplate.txt in the APP_DAT_PATH directory (by default, C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise).

Username resend message

Sent when a user requests the account username.

EFT looks for the file UsernameResend.txt in the APP_DAT_PATH directory (by default, C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise). If the file does not exist, you can create the file:


Your login name is: %USER.LOGIN%

This is an automated message. Please do not reply directly.

Connection Banner Message

When a client first connects to the Site via FTP, but before the user logs on, the connection banner appears.

Administration interface, Site > Connections tab > FTP/S Config > FTP Settings dialog box

User Limit Reached Message

Message that appears to the user when the maximum simultaneous connections limit is exceeded

Administration interface, Site > Connections tab > FTP/S Config > FTP Settings dialog box

Quit Session Messages

Message that appears when the client closes the session gracefully by using the FTP QUIT command.

Administration interface, Site > Connections tab > FTP/S Config > FTP Settings dialog box

E-mail Notification Message

E-mail sent with the Send Mail Action when an Event Rule is triggered.

Administration interface, Server node > Event Rules node > Event Rule

AD password expiration e-mail

Notify users when that their password is about to expire

Windows Registry to enable, then create the file PasswordChg_PwdWillExpire.txt and save it in the \web\public\EFTClient subdirectory

WTC change AD password error

Current password is entered incorrectly

Create the file PasswordChg_PasswordWrong.txt and save it in the \web\public\EFTClient subdirectory

Network connection error

Create the file PasswordChg_NetworkProblem.txt and save it in the \web\public\EFTClient subdirectory

User does not have permission from AD to change the password

Create the file PasswordChg_Permission.txt and save in the \web\public\EFTClient subdirectory

New password does not meet the AD complexity requirements

Create the file PasswordChg_PasswordComplexity.txt and save it in the \web\public\EFTClient subdirectory

WTC/PTC login error message

When a user provides the wrong username and/or password, the message "Not logged in" appears. The message is purposefully vague for security.

Hard-coded and not customizable.

(Forgot username and Forgot password links allow the user to request assistance.)

Invalid parameter count message

Sent when the number of parameters provided to execute a Custom command is not the correct number of parameters.

Administration interface, Command Settings tab of a selected Command, in the FTP Custom Command Specific dialog box.