Map Window

You can view any map in a Map window. The following example shows maps installed with Intermapper.

For an in-depth explanation of the elements that appear in the map window, what they mean, and how to use them, see Monitoring Your Network.

Title Bar

The Title bar shows the map's title, state, and standard controls for zooming, minimizing, and closing the window.

The Menu bar contains the map menus.

For more information on each menu, see the Command/Menu Reference.


The Toolbar contains buttons to toggle the edit mode and to switch from one view to another.

Switching Between Monitor Mode and Edit Mode

Click the Lock button at the left end of the tool bar to switch the map between Monitor mode and Edit mode:

In Monitor mode - The map is not editable and status windows appear when you click and hold a device, link, or network.
In Edit mode - The map is editable. Status windows can be opened with menu commands.

Tip: Press Tab to switch between Monitor and Edit modes.

Switching Views in the Map Window

Click one of the following buttons to switch to a different Map Window view:

Map view - Shows the map graphically, showing devices, networks, and their interconnections.

List view - Shows the devices on the map as a list, with columns for the device status, name, address, probe type, and current and previous condition.

  • Select columns and sort as described in Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views below.
  • Drag items from one map to another. The source map must be in the List view. The target map must be editable, but can be in any view.
  • Sort by Status to see the most serious conditions appear at the top of the list.
  • Alt-click or Cmd-click (Mac) a value in the Poll Interval column and select a new value to set all devices to the same poll interval.

NOTE: You can also view a global list of devices.

To view a global device list:

  • With a server selected in the map list, select Device List from the Map List Window menu. A list of all devices on the selected server is displayed.

Device Notifiers view - This view allows you to see which notifiers are attached to each device on a map. Another way to think of it is as a responsibilities view - what devices does a certain notifier apply to.

  • Select a notifier from the menu. You can see the checkboxes for all recipients.
  • To set a value for all devices, Alt-click or Cmd-click (Mac) to set a value. The value changes to the selected value for the entire column. This works for all check boxes, Delay, Repeat, and Count columns.
  • To see and edit all notifiers, select Edit Notifiers from the Notifier menu.
  • Select columns and sort as described in Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views below.

Link Notifiers view - This view allows you to see which notifiers are attached to interfaces on a map.

  • Attach notifiers to interfaces in exactly the same way as in the Device Notifiers view.
  • Alt-click or Cmd-click (Mac) a check box to set the notifier status for all links to the same value.
  • Select columns and sort as described in Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views below.

Chart view - Shows the list of charts for the map.

  • Expand the tree to view a chart's datasets.
  • Double-click a chart name to open the chart.
  • Right-click the Chart List button to open a chart without switching the view.
  • Right-click a chart to do one of the following:
    • Show the chart
    • Rename the chart
    • Delete the chart
  • Right-click a dataset to do one of the following:
    • Show the chart containing that instance of the dataset
    • Show the device generating the dataset
    • Raise the status window for the device generating the dataset
    • Rename the dataset
    • Remove the dataset
    • Export data from the dataset
    • Delete data from the dataset
  • Select columns and sort as described in Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views below.

Dataset view - This view shows the datasets available for charting and data collection in this map. With the map in edit mode, you can choose a retention policy for any dataset.

This view shows the following:

  • A list of devices on the current map.
  • The dataset name, type, and current retention policy and variable for a selected device.
  • Available interfaces and associated datasets.
  • Select columns and sort as described in Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views below.

Choosing and Sorting Columns in List Views

Use the Choose/Sort menu (Click , upper right corner of the list) or the Columns and Sort menus in the View menu to select which columns you want to view and the order in which you want to sort the list.

  • Select or clear a check box from the Choose/Sort menu in the upper right of the window or pane to include or exclude a column.
  • Use the Sort submenu to select the column you want to sort by.
  • Click a column heading to sort by that column.
  • Click again to sort in reverse order.
  • Use the Columns submenu in the View menu to select the columns you want to view.
  • Use the Sort submenu in the View menu to select the column you want to sort by.

Map Legend

The Map legend to the right of the toolbar shows the different states of the map and the number of devices in each state. It also acts as a filter in list view.

Badge Color Meaning


Down - No response has been received from the device within the specified timeout period.


Critical - The specified threshold for the critical state has been met.


Alarm - The specified threshold for the alarm state has been met.


Warning - The specified threshold for the warning state has been met.


Up - The device is working below the specified thresholds.


Unknown - The device is not being polled, so its state is unknown.




Searching - The device is searching for adjacent routers (during auto-discovery) or is tracking unnumbered interfaces.


Acknowledge - Timed or Indefinite - The problem has been acknowledged and notifications are suppressed, either indefinitely or for a specified period of time.


Acknowledge - Basic - The problem has been acknowledged, and notifications are suppressed until the device comes back up, at which time the checkmark is cleared.

List Acknowledged Devices - (Filter button) Lists all devices that have been acknowledged.


List Un-Acknowledged Devices - (Filter button) Lists all devices that have not been acknowledged.

  • Click a legend icon to view a list of devices that are currently in that state.
  • Click the icon again to return to the previous view.
  • Shift-click icons to view devices in more than one state.

    Example: Shift-click the Alarm and Warning icons to see devices in either of those states.

  • Click one of the Acknowledge Filter buttons (to the right of the legend) to list acknowledged or un-acknowledged devices.
    NOTE: The filter buttons work with the legend icons. Clicking a Filter button shows only the devices in the selected state that are acknowledged or un-acknowledged. It is possible to click a filter button and see no devices.

Map Area

The Map area is the canvas on which you create your map. To get started, look at Creating Maps for information on starting your map. The Creating Maps section provides information oncreating, arranging and making your map look just the way you want it to look. You can also find a quick reference of editing shortcuts.

For an in-depth explanation of the elements that appear in the map window, what they mean, and how to use them, see Monitoring Your Network.

Status Bar

The Status bar contains controls for switching in and out of map edit mode, setting the polling interval, and zooming in and out of the map.

The Poll Interval menu sets the polling interval for the map.
The Map Zoom menu sets the zoom factor for the map. If you selectAuto, the map zooms automatically when you resize the window.