Work with Field Encryption Registry (WRKFLDENC)

The WRKFLDENC command allows authorized users to work with the entries in the Field Encryption Registry. This command’s screen includes functions to add, change, activate, deactivate and remove field entries.

How to Get There

From the Field Encryption Menu, choose option 1, Work with Field Encryption (WRKFLDENC). Or, execute the command CRYPTO/WRKFLDENC.

For each field entry listed, the WRKFLDENC screen shows the user-assigned field identifier, the actual database field name and the status.  Press F11 to view more information about each entry.

Status Codes


The field entry is activated for encryption.


The field entry is not activated for encryption.


The field entry is currently being processed for activation or deactivation. 


The activation or deactivation process failed and requires Fortra support.


For each entry listed on the screen, you can utilize one of the following options.


Displays the Change Field Encryption Entry (CHGFLDENC) panel, where you can change the field entry using the CHGFLDENC command.


Displays the Copy Field Encryption Entry (CPYFLDENC) panel, where you can copy the field entry using the CPYFLDENC command.


Displays a prompt to confirm the removal of the field entry using the RMVFLDENC command.


Displays the Display Field Encryption Entry (DSPFLDENC) panel, which shows the values for the field entry using the DSPFLDENC command.


Displays a prompt to activate the field entry for encryption using the ACTFLDENC command.


Displays a prompt to deactivate the field entry from encryption using the DCTFLDENC command.

10=Change Key

Displays the Change Field Encryption Key (CHGFLDKEY) panel, which allows you to change the field entry’s encryption/decryption keys using the CHGFLDKEY command.

12=Display Key History

Displays the history of the Keys (used to encrypt/decrypt the field entry values) using the WRKFLDKEY command.

14=Edit Full Auth List

Displays the Edit Authorization List command for Authorization List for the Full Value.

15=Edit Mask Auth List

Displays the Edit Authorization List command for Authorization List for the Masked Value.

16=Change Field Mask

Displays the Change Field Mask (CHGFLDMSK) panel, where you can change the field mask using the CHGFLDMSK command.

17=Change Field Auth. Lists

Displays the Change Field Authorization Lists (CHGFLDAUTL) panel, where you can change the field Authority lists using the CHGFLDAUTL command.

18=Add Pending Key

Displays the Add a Field Encryption Pending Key (ADDPNDKEY) panel, where you can add a pending key using the ADDPNDKEY command.

19=Change Pending Key

Displays the Change a Field Encryption Pending Key (CHGPNDKEY) panel, where you can change a pending key using the CHGPNDKEY command.

20=Remove Pending Key

Displays a prompt to allow you to remove a pending key using the RMVPNDKEY command.

21=Display Pending Key

Displays a prompt to allow you to display a pending key using the DSPPNDKEY command.

22=Generate Config Report

Displays a message detailing the location of where the encryption configuration file will be created. You can also enter a valid email address to where the configuration report can be sent. Note that this option requires the SMTP TCP server to be both configured and active.

Press Enter to generate the report.

Function Keys

F3 (Exit): Exits the WRKFLDENC screen.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the list of field entries in the Registry.

F6 (Add): Opens the Add Field Encryption Entry (ADDFLDENC) panel, where you can add a new field entry in the Registry (using the ADDFLDENC command).

F8 (Position To): Displays filters to select the list entries on the screen.

F11 (View2): Additionally shows the field entry’s database file name, external storage setting and trigger setting.

F12 (Cancel): Cancel the current screen and go to the previous screen.

F23 (More options): Show more options.