Before installing the application, perform the steps below in the order listed. If you do not follow each of the steps below in the order listed, your SAT installation might not function as you intend.

  1. Review the System Requirements and decide on a Deployment Method.

  2. Review the Installation Prerequisites, below.

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Installation Prerequisites

To test the connection

  1. On the IIS server, open a command prompt.
  2. Type telnet <IP_address> <port_number> then press ENTER. For example type:

telnet 1100

If EFT Server is not reachable, the Telnet response is Connect failed.

Next Steps

  1. Install the SAT Module.

  2. Configure the SAT Module.

  3. Customize the SAT module Web interface

  4. Configure EFT Server to send upload notifications

Related Topics

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer System Requirements

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Deployment Methods

Installing Secure Ad Hoc Transfer