Installing Secure Ad Hoc Transfer

The Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) installation program auto-detects the presence of IIS, .NET Framework, previous versions of the SAT module, and EFT Server, and prompts for required information to configure the services.

If a previous version of the SAT Module is installed on the computer, you must uninstall it before installing the newer version. Verify that the Ad Hoc virtual directory in IIS (EFTAdHoc by default) and the Ad Hoc installation directory (C:\InetPub\EFTAdHoc) were uninstalled.

To view the installer's version number in the file properties

  1. Right-click the installer and click Properties.

  2. Click the Version tab.

  3. Click File Version. The version number appears in the Value box.

Installing EFT Server, Microsoft IIS, and .NET Framework on the same physical computer expedites the installation process, but it is not required. If you do not have them running on the same computer:

Before installing the application, perform the steps below in the order listed. If you do not follow each of the steps below in the order listed, your SAT installation might not function as you intend.

  1. Review the System Requirements and decide on a Deployment Method.

  2. Review the Installation Prerequisites.

  3. Ensure IIS is installed BEFORE .NET is installed. If .NET is installed before IIS is installed, be sure to provide the network service with write access to the framework directory ( e.g., C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5).

  4. Ensure that ASP.NET is installed and registered. See AdHoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab for details of registering ASP.NET.

To install Secure Ad Hoc Transfer

  1. Download the SAT module setup file from the EFT Server Support page.

  2. Save the setup file to a convenient location on the IIS computer.

  3. Double-click the installer. The Welcome page appears.

  4. Click Next. The License Agreement appears.

  5. Read the license agreement and accept it by clicking Yes. (If you do not accept the license agreement, the installer exits.) The Choose Destination Location page appears.

  6. Specify the folder in which to install the SAT module (by default, C:\inetpub\EFTAdHoc ), then click Next. The Install Trial or Full page appears.

  7. Do one of the following, then click Next:

  8. If a message appears stating that the installer did not detect the correct version of the Microsoft .NET Framework, click Yes to exit the installer and open the Web browser to the .NET Framework Developer Center. If you know that .NET is installed, you can click No to continue with the installation, then resolve the error later. Refer to AdHoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab for details, if necessary.

  9. Type or paste the SAT Module activation serial number, then click Next. The IIS Configuration Details page appears.

  10. Specify a Web Site and the Virtual Folder name (the default is EFTAdHoc) to use for the SAT components, then click Next. The EFT Login Parameters page appears.

  11. Type the EFT Server name/IP address, Server Port, and EFT Server Administrator User Name and Password, then click Next. The EFT Site Configuration Parameters page appears.

  12. Specify the EFT Server Site Name and a new, unique User Settings Level name (the default is Ad-Hoc) that will be used only for SAT, and the External Domain Name for EFT Server. This is the external server address used to access EFT Server. If you are also using DMZ Gateway Server, then use that address instead.

  13. Click Next to continue. The SMTP Mail Server Parameters page appears.

  14. Type the SMTP Server Name/IP address, Server Port, and Default Sender Address (e-mail). If mail server authentication is required, click Server Requires Authentication, then type the SMTP User Name and SMTP Password, then click Next.

  15. If you want to test the SMTP mail server configuration settings, you can click Test to send an e-mail to an accessible account. After verifying that the e-mail was received successfully, click Next and then click Finished to exit the SAT installation program.

  16. Installation of the SAT module is complete. A few additional steps are necessary:

    1. Enable automatic notification of uploads and user clean-up events in EFT Server.

    2. Verify that the Microsoft IIS settings are configured correctly, as described below.

The readme file opens in your default browser.

This help file, adhoc.chm, is available in C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\Help.

Verify the Microsoft IIS Settings

If EFT Server and IIS are NOT running on the same computer, copy to the EFT Server computer the EFTAdHoc folder (by default, C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\) and all files and subfolders.

To verify IIS settings

  1. Open the IIS Manager, right-click the EFTAdHoc virtual folder, then click Properties.

  2. On the ASP.NET tab, make sure ASP.NET version 2.0.50727 (or newer) is selected. If you want to make changes to the configuration, refer to Secure Ad Hoc Transfer's Configuration File for details. (If the ASP.NET tab is not displayed, refer to AdHoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab.)

Next Steps:

  1. Configure the SAT Module

  2. Customize the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Web Interface

  3. Configure EFT Server to send upload notifications

Related Topics

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer System Requirements

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Deployment Methods

Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Installation Prerequisites