Before you can send attachments with Mail Express, the status of each component should either display a green flag or no longer indicate that it is disabled. (For example, when the mail server is enabled, the hostname of the mail server appears.)
Initial configuration of Mail Express
Launch the Mail Express Server administration interface. (e.g., click Start > Programs > Globalscape > Mail Express > Mail Express Admin or double-click the desktop shortcut).
Log in using the Mail Express Server administrator username and password that you specified during installation of the server.
The Mail Express Status page appears and indicates that the portals are not yet configured. The items with red flags and "Disabled" status are items that you need to configure before you can manage attachments with Mail Express. (Refer to Viewing Mail Express Status for more information about Mail Express status.)
On the Mail Express Status page, enable/configure "Disabled" items by clicking the relevant link in the navigation pane. (The Component column also links to the configuration pages.) On each configuration page, if you make changes to the settings, click Save to save your changes, or click Restore to cancel changes. If you navigate away from the page without clicking Save, your changes are discarded.
Drop-Off Portal: Enable the Drop-Off portal, if used, and configure the Security Policy.
Pick-Up Portal: Enable the Pick-up portal.
Internal Portal: On the Internal Settings page, enable the Internal portal, if used, enable Add-In services, and configure Internal User settings, Basic Auth (Kerberos), and the Mail Express policy for Internal users.
Reply Portal: Enable the Reply portal, if used, and configure the Security Policy for the Reply Portal.
General Configuration Domain Name:
Specify the hostname (domain name) for the Mail Express Server.
Specify the system notification email address(es) to which Mail Express will send information such as file store or database status. (The email address supplied during installation is used by default.)
Specify whether to enable Java applet uploads via the web portals.
Specify the default landing page (Drop-Off, Internal, or user choice).
Specify the SSL certificate, if used.
Mail Server: Specify the mail server that the Mail Express Server communicates with and the type of connection. Also specify the From and Reply to addresses for notifications sent from Mail Express.
DMZ Gateway: Configure the DMZ Gateway connection, if used.
EFT: Configure the EFT connection, if used.
Configure Active Directory, if used, including mailbox monitoring for forwarding system messages. (Active Directory configuration status does not appear on the Mail Express Status page.)
Add an internal user for testing configuration.
After you have enabled and configured each of the components, the Mail Express Status page should have green flags and detailed status for those items that you have enabled/configured. (That is, if you do not plan to use DMZ Gateway, its status will continue to be Disabled.) Verify that you can send an email with an attachment using the Outlook Add-In and can use the portals that you have configured.