ICIEventRule Interface
Use the ICIEventRule interface to make changes to the Event Rule settings.
interface ICIEventRule : IDispatch
Examples (VBScript):
'Add "If File name matches "*.txt" or "*.exe"" condition: cond = Rule.AddIfStatement(0, FileName, Match, Array("*.txt", "*.exe")) Set Params = Rule.GetParams 'rename rule Set Params = Rule.GetParams Params.Name = Params.Name & "_renamed" Rule.SetParams Params
See alsoICIEventRules Interface, ICIEventAction Interface, ICIEventActions Interface, ICIEventInfo Interface, ICIEventRuleParams Interface.
Function AddActionStatement(lIndex As Long, pdispParams As Object) As Object
For an example using this method, refer to the EventRuleCreation script in Script Examples.
Adds an Action statement at a specified position.
HRESULT AddActionStatement([in] long lIndex, [in] IDispatch* pdispParams, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispActionStatement);
Example (C#):
rule.AddActionStatement(rule.StatementsCount(), eventLogActionParams);
EFT v5.2 and later
Function AddIfStatement(lIndex As Long, property As EventProperty, op As ConditionOperator, varConditionValue, bNot As Boolean) As Object
Adds an If-statement at a specified position.
HRESULT AddIfStatement([in] long lIndex, [in] EventProperty property, [in] ConditionOperator op, [in] VARIANT varConditionValue, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bNot, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispIfStatement);
EFT v5.2 and later
Function AddLoopDatasetStatement(lIndex As Long, pdispParams As Object) As Object
Used to define a Loop through Dataset action in an Event Rule.
HRESULT AddLoopDatasetStatement( [in] long lIndex, [in] IDispatch* pdispParams, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispLoopDatasetStatement);
EFT v8.0.4 and later
Property ChangeDescription As String
HRESULT ChangeDescription([in] BSTR newVal);
EFT v7.2
Delete Event Rule’s statement by index.
HRESULT DeleteStatement([in] long lIndex);
EFT v5.2 and later
Sub Export(bstrDstFile As String)
HRESULT Export([in] BSTR bstrDstFile);
EFT v7.2
Function GetACL() As Object and Sub SetACL(pVal As Object)
HRESULT GetACL([out, retval] IDispatch** ppVal); HRESULT SetACL([in] IDispatch* pVal);
EFT v7.2 and later
Function GetHASchedulingParams() As Object and Sub SetHASchedulingParams(newVal As Object)
Returns/specifies an object of type ICIRoundRobinEventRuleSchedulingParams that can be used to manage the nodes listed in the “Run on One of” list for a load-balanced event rule.
HRESULT GetHASchedulingParams([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp); HRESULT SetHASchedulingParams([in] IDispatch* newVal);
EFT v7.0 and later
Function GetParams() As Object and Sub SetParams(newVal As Object)
Retrieves/specifies Event Rule’s parameters. The actual object depends on the Event Rule’s type. (Refer to ICIEventRuleParams, ICITimerEventRuleParams, ICIFolderMonitorEventRuleParams interfaces.)
HRESULT GetParams([out, retval] IDispatch* *pVal); HRESULT SetParams( [in] IDispatch* newVal);
EFT v6.2 and later
Function Statement(lIndex As Long) As Object
Retrieves a statement object by index. (Refer to ICIEventRuleStatement interface.)
HRESULT Statement([in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispStatement);
EFT v5.2 and later
Function StatementsCount() As Long
For an example using this method, refer to the EventRuleCreation script in Script Examples.
Retrieves the number of listed statements.
HRESULT StatementsCount([out, retval] long* plCount);
Example (C#):
rule.AddActionStatement(rule.StatementsCount(), eventLogActionParams);
EFT v5.2 and later
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