Rules screen

The Rules screen lists all the rules defined by Exit Point Manager, including the server and function, user or location, and properties for each. From this screen, you can easily identify specific rules, and edit, add, or delete them.

Rules Screen

How to Get There

Click the Rules tab on the navigation pane on the left side of the Exit Point Manager window.


Selection, sorting, filtering, deleting, and navigation features on this screen are described in Using the Web Browser Interface.

Click a User or Location rule to open the Edit Rule screen, where you can edit the rule.


Choose Add to open the New Rule screen where you can define a new user rule.

Show Actions

Click next to a rule to show Actions.

  • Edit. Choose Edit to open the Edit Rule screen where you can edit the rule.
  • Copy. Choose Copy to open the Copy Rule screen, where you can select the system(s) you would like to copy the rule to.
  • Delete. Choose Delete to delete the rule.
  • Close. Choose Close to dismiss the Action Pane.

Column Descriptions

Server/Function column

This column lists the server ID for each rule. The server ID is the name of the IBM server for which authority is being specified. For a description of servers and functions, see Appendix B: Servers and Functions.

User/Location/Authority column

This column lists the user or location of the rule.

A icon indicates a User rule. User represents the identity of the person initiating a transaction as a user profile. The special value *PUBLIC, when used on a rule, means that the rule applies to any User lacking a specific rule. When used as a subset or selection parameter, *PUBLIC means to select all such rules for display or printing.

An icon indicates a Location Rule. The location is the name of the location for which authority is being specified. The location can be an SNA device, an IP address, an IP Address Group, or the special value '*ALL'. If specifying an IP address, enter either the full IP address or a generic IP address using an asterisk as the final character. IP Address Groups must be established prior to their entry on this screen (see IP Address Groups).

The authority assigned for servers and their functions.

Possible values are:

*OS400Exit Point Manager will use normal OS/400 authority for the location. This is valid for both location and user.
*REJECTExit Point Manager will reject requests for the specified location. This is valid for both location and user.
*SWITCHExit Point Manager will use the authority of the switch profile for the specified location. A switch profile entry is required. This is valid for both location and user. To view the profile to be switched to view the expanded rule properties.
*MEMREJECT Check Memorized Transactions (MTR) for authority. If no MTR authority is encountered, Exit Point Manager will reject requests for the specified location. This is valid for both location and user.
*MEMOS4OO Check Memorized Transactions (MTR) for authority. If no MTR authority is encountered, Exit Point Manager will use normal OS/400 authority for the location. This is valid for both location and user.
*MEMUSR Check Memorized Transactions (MTR) for authority. If no MTR authority is encountered, Exit Point Manager will check server user authority. This is only valid for location.
*USERExit Point Manager will check server user authority. This is only valid for location.
*MEMSWITCH Check Memorized Transactions (MTR) for authority. If no MTR authority is encountered, Exit Point Manager will use the authority of the switch profile for the specified location. A switch profile entry is required. This is valid for both location and user.
*SRVFCNExit Point Manager will use the authority defined for the server/function. This is valid for both location and user.
*SAMEExit Point Manager will not change the existing settings and will not create new rules when the All Servers option is taken. This is valid for both location and user.
Aud/Msg/Cap columns

A or in one of these columns indicates the value is explicitly defined in the rule. A [gray]  or indicates the value is not defined in the rule itself, but is inheriting the actual value from another location (much like *SYSVAL in the OS). See Active Rule and Rule derivation.


The audit property controls the type of requests Exit Point Manager will log. Possible values are:

Log all requests by the location/server/function.
Only log authority failures for the location/server/function.

The message property entry will determine if Exit Point Manager sends a message to the Exit Point Manager message queue.

No message is sent.
A message is sent to the Exit Point Manager message queue.

Capture transactions for Memorized Transaction Request (MTR).

Do not capture transactions.
Capture transactions.


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