Database Monitor Configuration - Files

This panel allows you to view and manage the files monitored by Database Monitor.

How to get there

From the Database Monitor Setup/Configuration Menu, choose option 11, Database Monitor Configuration.


Action Number Short Description Description
2 Edit Use this option to edit the primary attributes of the file's setup within Database Monitor, including effective dates for the file being active. See Database Monitor Configuration - Files Maintenance panel.
4 Remove This option will remove a file from Database Monitor, but only allows the removal of a file if NO audit records exist for the file. See Database Monitor Configuration - Files Maintenance panel.
5 Display Allows the display of Database Monitor Configuration file data. See Database Monitor Configuration - Files Maintenance panel.
11 Keys Advances to Database Monitor Configuration - Keys Selection Screen - IDT500-04.
13 Members Advances to the Database Monitor Configuration - Members panel - IDT500-02.
14 Triggers Advances to the Database Monitor Configuration - Trigger Maintenance panel - IDT500-03.
15 Fields Advances to the Database Monitor Configuration - Fields Maintenance panel - IDT500-05.
20 Workflow Advances to the Database Monitor Workflow Maintenance Function.
21 Validate Validates all of the Database Monitor Configuration data and displays any errors.
22 Activate Validates all of the Database Monitor Configuration data - Activates the file if NO errors exist.
29 Deactivate Deactivates the file - Stops Database Monitor tracking of file data changes.

Column descriptions

To the right of the description of each file, a number of codes can be seen. These provide a quick overview of the status of the file. The column heading is identified by the literals "V A CDAR DT."

Heading Short Description Values
V Validated

Y = Yes

N = No

A Activated

Y = Yes

N = No

C Change Tracking

T = Trigger

D = Database Monitor Journal

U = User Journal

N = Not Tracked

D Delete Tracking

T = Trigger

D = Database Monitor Journal

U = User Journal

N = Not Tracked

A Add Tracking

T = Trigger

D = Database Monitor Journal

U = User Journal

N = Not Tracked

R Read Tracking

T = Trigger

D = Database Monitor Journal

U = User Journal

N = Not Tracked

DT Trigger Program

NS = No SignatureFunction keys

Function keys

Function Key Short Description Description
F3 Exit Exits the program, returning to the Database Monitor Menu.
F4 File List Enter a library in the selection criteria and press F4. A list of files will be displayed. Selection of those files not tracked by Database Monitor will be allowed.
F5 Refresh Redisplay the current panel with updates from any external sources.
F6 Add Use this option to add a file to Database Monitor. Add will take you through the required setup panels, including the main add window, key selection, and field tracking.
F12 Cancel Exits to the prior panel.