AS2 Partner Access Wizard

EFT Server provides an AS2 Partner Access wizard to assist you in configuring the AS2 outbound and inbound connections. This wizard is accessible from the AS2 Inbound and AS2 Outbound partner configuration tabs and the AS2 Send File to host Action dialog box (in Event Rules). Once completed, the data in the wizard populates the relevant fields on the AS2 Outbound and AS2 Inbound tab and the AS2 Send File to host Action dialog box. The procedures below describe how to use the wizard to configure outbound and inbound AS2 partners. You can also configure the account manually on the AS2 Inbound and AS2 Outbound tabs for each partner.

If you plan to execute a command  upon success or failure of AS2 transactions, define the command before configuring your partner access; or you can go back later and edit the AS2 partner manually after you have defined the command.

If you plan to send a notification e-mail upon success or failure of AS2 transactions, you can Create an e-mail Notification Template to use in the e-mail Action.

Configuring Outbound AS2 Partners

To configure outbound AS2 partners using the wizard

  1. In EFT Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Click Setup Wizard. The AS2 Partner Access Wizard appears.

  4. Click Next. The partner's connection information page appears.

  5. Click Next. The partner AS2 certificates page appears.

    1. In the Your AS2 certificate public key box, the certificate that you specified when you created the Site appears. It is not editable in this wizard, but you can edit it on the Site's Connection Options tab.

    2. In the Your partner's AS2 certificate public key box, type the path or click the open icon to select your partner's public key file.

  6. Click Next. The AS2 identifier page appears.

    1. In the Your AS2 ID box, your globally defined ID appears. You can keep this default or define a different ID for this partner.

    2. In the Your partner’s AS2 ID box, specify this partner's ID.

    3. AS2-From and AS2-To form a pair for identifying the sending and receiving partnership. That is, they form a composite key for identifying the parties involved in the data exchange.

    4. (Optional) In the Message Subject box, specify the text that is to appear in the subject line of AS2 messages to/from this partner.

    5. In the Content type box, click the down arrow to specify the type of messages to be sent to/from this partner.

    6. For information about the various content types, refer to RFC 2046 at

  7. Click Next. The message and receipt options page appears.

    1. In the Message option area, specify whether the AS2 message should be encrypted, signed, and/or compressed.

    2. In the Receipt options area, click the down arrow to specify whether to send a Signed receipt (Message Disposition Notification (MDN)), an unsigned receipt, or no receipt.

      The MDN serves as a receipt, guaranteeing the transaction was successful. The receipt can also be signed, and you can specify whether to return the receipt immediately (synchronous MDN) or later (asynchronous MDN) if the remote server must post-process the message prior to acknowledging the received data.

    3. If you clicked Signed or Unsigned, specify whether to send the receipt in the same session (synchronous) or independently of the session (asynchronous).

  8. Click Next. The message retry and timeout options page appears.

  9. Click Next. The commands and notifications page appears.

  10. Click Next. The folder monitor page appears.

    1. Specify the folder to monitor (i.e., the "hot folder"). As files are added to the folder, they will be transferred to the remote host.

    2. Specify the file extensions to include or exclude in transfers.

For example:

  1. AS2 Outbound partner configuration is complete. Click Test to send a test file to the AS2 host.

    If the test fails, run the AS2 Partner Access wizard again to verify your settings. Ensure that your partner-provided information (AS2 ID, certificate, host info) is accurate and that your partner has configured your account correctly on the remote server. If necessary, refer to Troubleshooting AS2 Connections.

The information provided in the wizard is updated in the account's AS2 Outbound tab. To make further adjustments to the partner's configuration, you can edit the AS2 Outbound tab directly.

To configure an outbound proxy for this partner, refer to Configuring an AS2 Outbound Proxy.

Configuring Inbound AS2 Partners

To configure inbound AS2 partners using the wizard

  1. In EFT Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Click Setup Wizard. The AS2 Partner Access Wizard appears.

  4. Click Next. The AS2 certificates page appears.

    1. In the Your AS2 certificate public key box, the certificate that you specified when you created the Site appears. It is not editable in this wizard, but you can edit it on the Site's Connection Options tab.

    2. In the Your partner's AS2 certificate public key box, type the path or click the browse icon to select your partner's public key file.

  5. Click Next. The AS2 identifier page appears.

    1. In the Your AS2 ID box, your globally defined ID appears. You can keep this ID or define a different ID for this partner. (Refer to Enabling the AS2 Inbound Listener Service for the procedure for specifying your AS2 ID.)

    2. In the Your partner’s AS2 ID box, specify this partner's ID (provided to you by the partner that you are defining).

  6. Click Next. The tolerance options page appears.

  7. Click Next. The resend options page appears.

  8. Click Next. The commands and notifications page appears.

  9. Click Next. The optional post receipts page appears.

  10. Now that you have completed the AS2 inbound partner configuration wizard, you should contact your partner and ask them to connect and transfer a test file. Refer to Troubleshooting AS2 Connections for details.

The information provided in the wizard is updated in the account's AS2 Inbound tab. To make further adjustments to the partner's configuration, you can edit the AS2 Inbound tab directly.