Mail Express Quick Start

Provided below is a "quick start" checklist to help you install and configure Mail Express. Additional configuration may be required, depending on your individual requirements. Click the links in each step to read the detailed procedures, complete with screen shots. If you print this checklist, refer to the online help for screen shots and detailed procedures: A PDF of the Mail Express user guide is available at


Server Installation:


Verify that prerequisites are installed and system requirements have been met.


Ensure that port 443 is available on the IP address designated for the internal Mail Express Server host.

TIP: Use the following command to check against any conflicts: netstat -anop TCP

NOTE: If there is any other process listening on port 443 (including the global interface), please refer to Mail Express Knowledgebase article #10636 for more information.


If you are using Microsoft Exchange for your mail server, Mail Relay should be turned on if you do not create an account on the Exchange Server for the Mail Express Server. For information, refer to Refer to Configuring Anonymous Access to Exchange and Configuring Authenticated Access to Exchange for information about configuring Exchange.


Create a new service account on your Active Directory network for the Mail Express service. This account is required for Mail Express to perform Kerberos authentication for connecting clients and for LDAP queries, and it can also be used to allow authenticated relay through the mail server.


Ensure you have access to log into a Domain Controller with Domain Admin rights. This is required in order to enable Kerberos authentication in Mail Express. After installation and initial configuration have been completed, it is no longer required.


Install all available Windows Updates (required for security and compatibility)


Reboot the server computer. (required before the Mail Express installation can begin)


Download a copy of the Mail Express installer onto the Mail Express computer’s local hard drive.


Install Mail Express Server (run the executable); 32-bit or 64-bit depending on operating system. You will need the following information:

  • Installation directory (Where to write installation files)

  • Attachment storage directory (Any storage that can be accessed from server)

  • Mail Express administrator username/password and email address

  • If using an external database, database server connection parameters

  • If integrating with EFT, you will need to know the EFT host, port, "Site Admin" credentials, and Site name.

Server Configuration:


Specify the domain of Mail Express Server. This system name will be used for portal and package URL information. For example, if the domain is set to “,” the package links that recipients receive will look like “<unique identifier>”


Specify System Notification addresses—these are the email addresses to which system notifications are sent; the email address provided at installation is used by default.


Configure IP port bindings to prevent conflicts with other applications and to connect to other IP addresses and ports that you want Mail Express to listen on; by default, only localhost:8443 is an active listening port.


Configure the mail server connection


Enable attachment pickup


Create new Internal user for testing purposes

Outlook Installation and Configuration:


Install the Outlook Add-In on the client workstation(s), including Add-In prerequisites


Specify the host name, username, and password for the Internal user created during server setup


Enable the Mail Express User Interface in Outlook.


Enable the Status pane in Outlook to display the connection status between the Mail Express Add-In and Mail Express Server


Send a test email with an attachment using the Attach File icon on the Mail Express tool bar.


Pick up the package

Advanced Features (can be setup after the initial configuration is completed and the basic system functionality has been verified. Not critical to the basic functionality of the system.)


Specify a Mail Express SSL Certificate


Enable Active Directory Authentication


Enable Single Sign On using Kerberos


Enable Drop-off Page


Enable and configure Internal Portal


Enable and configure the Reply Portal


Enable attachment purging


Enable database purging


Silent installation of Outlook Add-In clients


Install and configure EFT in the Mail Express administration interface.


Install and configure DMZ Gateway.

  Register the Server and DMZ Gateway in the Mail Express administration interface.

For more information, review the topics in the Contents to the left. If the Contents pane is hidden, click <--Show.

You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:20