Robot Schedule Legacy Dashboard Widget Descriptions
Following are descriptions of each of the available Robot Schedule dashboard widgets. For more information about a widget, such as instructions on customizing it, click the "Read more" link in the description. Note: The default widget names are listed below. What you see on your system may differ because you can change the widget names.
This widget displays the number of directory events that occurred over a period of time. Directory events include directories that are added, changed, removed, or that meet (or fail to meet) a threshold. Read more...
This widget displays the number of file events that occurred over a period of time. File events include files that are added, changed, removed, or that meet (or fail to meet) a threshold. Read more...
This widget displays the number of member events that occurred over a period of time. Member events include members that are added, changed, removed, or that meet (or fail to meet) a threshold. Read more...
This widget lists the event monitors by day for a period of time. It also indicates the type of event that occurred: directory event (added, removed, changed, or threshold), file event (added, removed, changed, or threshold), or member event (added, removed, changed, or threshold). Read more...
This widget lists the job monitor events by day for a period of time. It also indicates the monitor event type: overrun, underrun, or late start. Read more...
This widget lists the jobs that were running, waiting, delayed, or completed over a period of time. Read more...
This widget lists the jobs that were terminated over a period of time. Read more...
This widget displays the number of jobs that were completed by day over a period of time. It shows the number of jobs that completed normally, were terminated, or ended in error. Read more...
This widget displays various job metrics by day over a period of time. It shows the number of jobs that were started, submitted, or ended. Read more...
This widget displays the number of job monitor events by day over a period of time. It shows the number of monitor events that were a late start, overrun, or underrun. Read more...
This widget displays the number of jobs that ended each day over a period of time. Read more...
This widget allows you to specify a business window during which jobs (on a system or critical job list) need to run. It then lists any variances from that business window. It shows the jobs that ran too early, ended too late, or didn't run at all during the window. Read more...
This widget displays information about the jobs in the critical job lists that have been set up in Robot Schedule for Insite. It shows the number of jobs in each list. Then, it shows how many of those jobs were terminated yesterday, are forecasted today. completed normally yesterday, and didn't run yesterday. Read more...
This widget displays information about the members in the group jobs. (Note: You can set up group jobs using either the Robot Schedule Explorer or the IBM i.) It shows the number of members in the group. Then, it shows how many members have overrides (Omit Next, Held, Run Next). Finally, it shows yesterday's status for the member jobs (the number of jobs that either completed normally or were terminated yesterday), and today's forecast (the number of member jobs that are set to run today). Read more...
This widget displays status metrics for Robot Schedule on the selected system. It shows the current state of Robot Schedule on the system, and its last and next wake up time. For jobs, it shows the number of forecasted, running, delayed, waiting, completed, and failed jobs. Read more...