Intermapper can send different kinds of notifications to alert the network manager of network problems. You can configure an entire map to use a default notifier (or set of notifiers) and to apply a custom notifier to individual devices.
What is a Notifier?
Notifiers watch the state of one or more devices and perform a specified action when the device changes to a certain state. The action is called a notification.
You can attach notifiers to a device and specify which states (down, up, warning, alarm, critical) should trigger the notifier. When a device changes to the specified state, the notifier is triggered and Intermapper sends the notification.
For example, you can create a notifier that sends an email message. You can attach that notifier to a device. You might also specify that
it should be triggered when the device goes down or comes back up. When the
device goes into either of those states, an email message is sent.
Notifier Types
- E-mail - sends an email.
- Alphanumeric Pager - sends a page through a dial-up modem using the TAP protocol.
- Network Paging - sends a page across the Internet using the Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP).
- SMS Alert - sends a text message to a cell phone via SMS.
- Sound - plays a sound associated with the state of the device.
- SNMP Trap - sends an SNMP trap to the specified trap receiver.
- Syslog - sends a message to a syslog server.
- WinPopup (Microsoft Windows only) - sends a message to the specified user. The message is displayed in a separate window.
- Command Line - executes a command on the Intermapper host machine.
- Group - sends notifications to a group of existing notifiers.
- PowerShell - executes a PowerShell command or script on the Intermapper host machine or a remote Microsoft Windows machine.
- AutoMate - executes a task created with Fortra' Automate software.
What You Can Do With Notifiers
- The Notifier List (Available from the Server Configuration section of the Server Settings window) is a library of notifiers created by you.
- You can create a notifier from the Notifier List pane, available in the Server Settings window.
- You can configure the notifier and test it to make sure it is working properly.
- You can attach a notifier to a device using the Attach Notifier dialog.
- You can remove a notifier using the Notifier List.
- You can define a set of default notifiers using the Default Notifiers dialog. When you add a new device to a map, the default notifier set is automatically attached to the new device . (You can also create and attach notifiers to individual items.)
- You can attach notifiers only to devices, not to networks.
Parts of a Notifier
About the Notifier List
The Notifier list is a library of notifiers that you can attach to different devices on your map. It is available from the Server Settings window. You create, configure, edit, remove, and disable notifiers from the Notifier list. Once you have created and configured the notifiers you want to use, you can attach them to devices.
Occasionally, you might be about to attach a Notifier but discover that you need to create a new one before you can attach it. Open the Notifier list from the Device Notifiers or Link Notifiers view of the map window. Select Edit Notifiers from the Notifier menu.
How Notifications Are Sent
When an event occurs, for example, when a device changes to a new state (Up to Down, Warning to Alarm, Alarm to OK) Intermapper triggers the attached notifiers that apply to that new state. The notifier sends a notification, as defined in its parameters, to the specified target users as defined by the notifier schedule.